On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 3:54 AM, Benedikt Ritter <brit...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Gary,
> 2013/3/20 Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com>
> > Addressing this TODO:
> >
> >     /**
> >      * Standard comma separated format, as for {@link #RFC4180} but
> > allowing empty lines.
> >      * <ul>
> >      * <li>withDelimiter(',')</li>
> >      * <li>withQuoteChar('"')</li>
> >      * <li>withIgnoreEmptyLines(true)</li>
> >      * <li>withLineSeparator(CRLF)</li>
> >      * </ul>
> >      */
> >     public static final CSVFormat DEFAULT = // TODO rename to something
> > more meaningful
> >             newBuilder()
> >             .build();
> >
> > How about one of:
> >
> > - BASIC
> > - RFC4180_LENIENT
> > - ?
> >
> I agree, that the name should contain RFC4180, because the format(builder)
> is derived from the rfc. I would favor RFC4180_EMPTY_LINES, although it is
> pretty long.
Closing the loop on this one based on a discussion (on a different thread
IIRC), the name stays DEFAULT.


> Benedikt
> >
> > Gary
> >
> > --
> > E-Mail: garydgreg...@gmail.com | ggreg...@apache.org
> > JUnit in Action, 2nd Ed: <http://goog_1249600977>http://bit.ly/ECvg0
> > Spring Batch in Action: <http://s.apache.org/HOq>http://bit.ly/bqpbCK
> > Blog: http://garygregory.wordpress.com
> > Home: http://garygregory.com/
> > Tweet! http://twitter.com/GaryGregory
> >
> --
> http://people.apache.org/~britter/
> http://www.systemoutprintln.de/
> http://twitter.com/BenediktRitter
> http://github.com/britter

E-Mail: garydgreg...@gmail.com | ggreg...@apache.org
JUnit in Action, 2nd Ed: <http://goog_1249600977>http://bit.ly/ECvg0
Spring Batch in Action: <http://s.apache.org/HOq>http://bit.ly/bqpbCK
Blog: http://garygregory.wordpress.com
Home: http://garygregory.com/
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