On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 1:19 AM, Emmanuel Bourg <ebo...@apache.org> wrote:

> Le 14/10/2013 08:06, Henri Yandell a écrit :
> > What do others think?
> I quite like triaging the feature requests with a 'n.x' version and a
> '(n+1).0' version. The former indicates that the request can be
> implemented in a compatible manner, and the latter indicates this can't
> be done without a major release.
The pain I'm finding with that is that quickly it turns into a big bucket
of n.x. I liked it at first, but it's become a backlog bucket (I'd argue
2.x, 3.x and 4.x are all one backlog bucket as the true test of their
version will only be when the code is complete). The issues come in, end up
in a bucket, and stay there. A smart user opens their issue against the
next version and has a 50/50 chance of it getting in.

Better I think to treat it like a pipeline. New issue, accepted, code
needed, review needed, committed (against version 3.2 etc). I could imagine
others - test needed is a common one for us and might be worth its own
section. Perhaps 'research needed' for the nearly complete code that has
some weird item or the bug that needs figuring out.


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