
A while ago I had bought up the idea of adding residual editing (aka data
editing, outlier rejection, robust regression) to our non-linear least
squares implementations.[1] As the name suggests, the idea is to de-weight
observations that don't match the user's model. There are several ways to
this including choosing a fixed cutoff, a fixed standard deviation cutoff,
or reducing a residual's weight based on its magnitude.[2]

However we add the data editing feature I think it will cause backward
incompatibilities with the released API. I've outlined below the two
options I see. I'm open to other ideas as well.

1. Replace edited residuals with 0's in the residual vector and Jacobian
(i.e. apply a 0 weight). This has the advantage of being simple to
implement and that our existing optimizers are already able to handle it.
The downside is evident when the user tries to obtain the number of
residuals that were edited. It is hard to tell the difference between an
edited residual, an apriori zero weight, or a model evaluation where the
residual and gradient is, in fact, zero. We can provide easy access to the
number of edited residuals by adding a method to the Evaluation interface.
(This is what I implemented in the patch in the original thread.) Now that
the code has been released though, this would cause a backward
incompatibility for some advanced users. Most users will likely use the
included factory and builder methods to define their
LeastSquaresProblem(LSP) and these users would not be affected by the
change. Only the users that provide a custom implementation of
LSP.Evauation would be affected.

2. Remove edited residuals from the gradient and Jacobian, so that the
resulting vector and matrix have fewer rows. The advantage here is that the
user can compare the length of the residual vector in the Optimum to the
number of observations in the LSP to determine the number of edited
residuals. The problem is that returning vectors/matrices with different
sizes from LSP.evaluate() would violate the contract. Additionally we would
have to modify our existing optimizers to deal with the variable lengths.
For GaussNewton the modification would be small, but for LevenburgMarquardt
I would likely have to re-write it since I don't understand the code (not
for lack of trying :P ). Users that implement LeastSquaresOptimizers would
likely have to modify their code as well.

To summarize, in both cases users that only use the provided [math] classes
would not have to modify their code, while users that provide custom
implementations of [math] interfaces would have to modify their code.

I would like to get this feature wrapped in for the next release. Please
let me know if you have a preference for either implementation and if there
are any other issues I should consider.

Best Regards,

[1] http://markmail.org/message/e53nago3swvu3t52
[2] http://www.mathworks.com/help/curvefit/removing-outliers.html

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