For your convenience. the proposal text is:

= Apache Commons RDF incubation proposal =


== Status ==


== Abstract ==

Commons RDF is a set of interfaces for the RDF 1.1 concepts that can
be used to expose common RDF-1.1 concepts using common Java

== Proposal ==

The main motivation behind this simple library is revise an historical
incompatibility issue. This library does not pretend to be a generic
api wrapping those libraries, but a set of interfaces for the RDF 1.1
concepts that can be used to expose common RDF-1.1 concepts using
common Java interfaces. In the initial phase commons-rdf is focused on
a subset of the core concepts defined by RDF-1.1 (URI/IRI, Blank Node,
Literal, Triple, and Graph). In particular, commons RDF aims to
provide a type-safe, non-general API that covers RDF 1.1. In a future
phase we may define interfaces for Datasets and Quads.

The goal is to provide a compact API that could be implemented by the
upcoming versions of the main Java toolkits (Apache Jena 3.0 and
OpenRDF Sesame 4.0) as well as for other libraries (OWLAPI) and other
JVM languages (Banana RDF and so on).

In addition, the project could provide some simple implementations
suitable for some basic scenarios. But the major and established Java
toolkits will always remain the recommend implementations to use.

== Background ==

In the Java world there has been historically an incompatibility issue
between the two major RDF toolkits: Apache Jena and OpenRDF Sesame.
Many libraries have tried to wrap them, but besides technical
considerations, they normally end up being unmaintained.

Together, we came up with the idea of Commons RDF for solving the
incompatibility problem. The community has been in healthy development
at Github, including participants from the major Java RDF toolkits.

The natural path to Apache Commons Sandbox has been studied, but we
think that in this phase of the project, which focuses on the API
design and actively involves the developers of existing toolkits, it
is better to have a more focused community and infrastructure. Rather
than a new Top-Level Project, the goal is still to graduate as part of
Apache Commons, that is when API has achieve the required maturity and
the project goes into maintenance mode.

Part of the motivation for doing the incubator process would therefore
be to bring together the existing Commons RDF community in the Apache
Way, mature the API, and then gradually prepare the Commons RDF
community for working within the larger Apache Commons community.

== Rationale ==

The library comes from the need for providing a generic and neutral
API for RDF 1.1 that everybody can transparently use without bounding
the design to concrete implementations. It is the result of
cooperation between contributors to the main Java toolkits, and will
try to be available in a timely manner to influence the major version
updates Jena 3.0 and Sesame 4.0.

== Initial Goals ==

 * Evolve the API towards a generalized and agreed shape
 * Bootstrap basic implementations
 * Support the implementation

== Current Status ==

The API is already quite agreed by all involved players, and it's been
started to be prototyped, both by the major toolkits and by simple

=== Meritocracy ===

Commons RDF has been completely designed by committee using git
workflows, where every single feature has been discussed based on a
Pull Request. We plan to keep such methodology where the commons
understanding comes first than personal decisions.

=== Community ===

Commons RDF addresses the developers who are working with Semantic Web
technologies in the JVM. The initial committers are core contributors
to that community.

=== Core Developers ===

 * Sergio Fernández (wikier dot apache dot org)
 * Andy Seaborne (andy dot apache dot org)
 * Peter Ansell (ansell dot apache dot org)
 * Stian Soiland-Reyes (stain at apache dot org)
 * Reto Gmür (reto at apache dot org)

=== Alignment ===

Commons RDF comes to help in the integration of the different ASF
projects using RDF technologies, where Apache Jena can be integrated
with others which use Sesame (Any123 and Marmotta). In addition,
proposals by other projects (Clerezza and Stanbol) can be also

== Known Risks ==

=== Orphaned Products ===

Probably one of the major risks will that the API provided does not
fit well in the development plan of the main Java toolkits. But we try
to minimize such risk by having on board core developers of those
framework, the API will live or die on its own merits.

=== Inexperience with Open Source ===

The committers have large experience with open source development and
ASF communities.

=== Homogeneous Developers ===

The initial list of developers come from five different organizations
and four different countries.

=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===

Although the project is also in the strategic agenda of project of our
current employers, so far the main development is happening at
volunteer time.

=== Relationships with Other Apache Projects ===

The project really relates with Jena as one of the potential
implementations, with Any23 and Marmotta which are based on Sesame,
and Clerezza, Taverna and Stanbol as projects that may benefit of the
common api.

=== An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===

While we expect the Apache brand may help attract more contributors,
our interests in starting this project is based on the factors
mentioned in the Rationale section.

== Documentation ==

Documentation for the current project can be found at Github:

== Initial Source ==

The current source code can be found at Github:

=== Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ===

The whole copyright is hold the developers signing this proposal, all
of them already with a ICLA with ASF in place. Current licence is
already Apache Software License 2.0.

=== External Dependencies ===

All current dependencies have Apache compatible licenses, including
MIT, BSD 3-clause, MIT and EPL.

=== Cryptography ===

Does Not Apply.

== Required Resources ==

=== Mailing lists ===

 * commons-rdf-dev
 * commons-rdf-commits

=== Repository ===

 * git://

=== Issue Tracking ===


=== Other Resources ===

 * Jenkins for builds and test running.
 * Github mirroring with pull request notificiations to dev list

== Initial Committers ==

 * Sergio Fernández (wikier dot apache dot org)
 * Andy Seaborne (andy dot apache dot org)
 * Peter Ansell (ansell dot apache dot org)
 * Stian Soiland-Reyes (stain at apache dot org)
 * Reto Gmür (reto at apache dot org)

=== Affiliations ===

 * Sergio Fernández (Redlink GmbH)
 * Andy Seaborne (Epimorphics Ltd)
 * Peter Ansell (CSIRO)
 * Stian Soiland-Reyes (University of Manchester)
 * Reto Gmür (Berner Fachhochschule)

== Sponsors ==

=== Champion ===

 * TBD

=== Nominated Mentors ===

 * Benedikt Ritter (britter at apache dot org)
 * TBD

=== Sponsoring Entity ===

Apache Incubator PMC

On 5 February 2015 at 07:34, Sergio Fernández <> wrote:
> well, we can figure out something, so I'll start the discussion at
> general@incubator.a.o
> On 04/02/15 11:14, Sergio Fernández wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we still need a Champion for incubating the project:
>> So if you be great if any Commons PMC Member who is also ASF Member
>> (there quite few actually) would be our champion.
>> Thanks.
>> Cheers,
>> On 02/02/15 16:57, Sergio Fernández wrote:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> we already have a final draft of the Commons RDF incubation proposal:
>>> But before we start the discussion with the IPMC we would like to
>>> discuss it here as its intended/possible/probable long term home. So,
>>> please, feel free to provide feedback to any aspect of the current
>>> proposal you think is necessary.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Cheers,
> --
> Sergio Fernández
> Partner Technology Manager
> Redlink GmbH
> m: +43 660 2747 925
> e:
> w:
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Stian Soiland-Reyes
Apache Taverna (incubating)

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