I need the following methods to complete the fix for MATH-1246.  I
can add them as private methods to the KS class; but they seem
generally useful, so I propose adding them to MathArrays.  Any

  * Concatenates two arrays.
  * @param x first array
  * @param y second array
  * @return a new array consisting of the entries of x followed by
the entries of y
  * @throws NullPointerException if either x or y is null
public static double[] concat(double[] x, double[] y)

  * Returns an array consisting of the unique values in {@code data}.
  * The return array is sorted in descending order.
  * @param data
  * @return descending list of values included in the input array
public static double[] values(double[] data)

  * Adds random jitter to {@code data} using deviates sampled from
{@code dist}.
  * <p>
  * Note that jitter is applied in-place - i.e., the array
  * values are overwritten with the result of applying jitter.</p>
  * @param data input/output data array
  * @param dist probability distribution to sample for jitter values
  * @throws NullPointerException if either of the parameters is null
 public static void jitter(double[] data, RealDistribution dist)

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