Hi Gilles,

On 01/08/2016 07:37 PM, Gilles wrote:
Hi Ole.

Maybe I don't understand the point of the question but I'm
not sure that collecting here answers to implementation-level
questions is going to lead us anywhere.
Well it could lead to an improved implementation :).

There is a issue on the bug-tracking system that started to
collect many of the various problems (specific and general)
of data containers ("RealVector", "RealMatrix", etc.) of the
"o.a.c.m.linear" package.

Perhaps it should more useful, for future reference, to list
everything in one place.
Sure - I think in this case though we can knock it out fast. Sometimes when we 
list everything in one place people look at it, get a headache, and start 
drinking :).  To me it seems like a vector that is empty (no elements) is 
different from having a vector with 1 or more 0d entries.  In the latter case, 
according to the formula, the norm is zero, but in the first case, is it?

On Fri, 8 Jan 2016 18:41:27 -0600, Ole Ersoy wrote:
public double getLInfNorm() {
        double norm = 0;
        Iterator<Entry> it = iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            final Entry e = it.next();
            norm = FastMath.max(norm, FastMath.abs(e.getValue()));
        return norm;

The main problem with the above is that it assumes that the elements
of a "RealVector" are Cartesian coordinates.
There is no provision that it must be the case, and assuming it is
then in contradiction with other methods like "append".

While experimenting with the design of the current implementation I ended up 
throwing the exception.  I think it's the right thing to do.  The net effect is 
that if someone creates a new ArrayVector(new double[]{}), then the exception 
is thrown, so if they don't want it thrown then they should new ArrayVector(new 
double[]{0}).   More explanations of this design below ...

At first (and second and third) sight, I think that these container
classes should be abandoned and replaced by specific ones.
For example:
* Single "matrix" abstract type or interface for computations in
  the "linear" package (rather than "vector" and "matrix" types)
* Perhaps a "DoubleArray" (for such things as "append", etc.).
  And by the way, there already exists "ResizableDoubleArray" which
  could be a start.
* Geometrical vectors (that can perhaps support various coordinate
* ...

I think we are thinking along the same lines here.  So far I have the following:
A Vector interface with only these methods:
- getDimension()
- getEntry()
- setEntry()

An ArrayVector implements Vector implementation where the one and only 
constructor takes a double[] array argument.  The vector length cannot be 
mutated.  If someone wants to do that they have to create a new one.

A VectorFunctionFactory class containing methods that return Function and 
BiFunction instances that can be used to perform vector mapping and reduction.  
For example:

     * Returns a {@link Function} that produces the lInfNorm of the vector
     * {@code v} .
     * Example {@code lInfNorm().apply(v);}
     * @throws MathException
     *             Of type {@code NO_DATA} if {@code v1.getDimension()} == 0.
    public static Function<Vector, Double> lInfNorm() {
        return lInfNorm(false);

     * Returns a {@link Function} that produces the lInfNormNorm of the vector
     * {@code v} .
     * Example {@code lInfNorm(true).apply(v);}
     * @param parallel
     *            Whether to perform the operation in parallel.
     * @throws MathException
     *             Of type {@code NO_DATA} if {@code v.getDimension()}  == 0.
    public static Function<Vector, Double> lInfNorm(boolean parallel) {
        return (v) -> {
            IntStream stream = range(0, v.getDimension());
            stream = parallel ? stream.parallel() : stream;
            return stream.mapToDouble(i -> 

So the design leaves more specialized structures like Sparce matrices to a 
different module.  I'm not sure if this is the best design, but so far I'm 
feeling pretty good about it.  WDYT?


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