On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 1:10 PM, Gilles <gil...@harfang.homelinux.org>

> On Mon, 11 Jan 2016 07:47:40 +0100, Thomas Neidhart wrote:
>> On 01/10/2016 05:09 AM, Gilles wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> Relevant excerpt of previous posts:
>>> [...]
>>>>> Something implicit in "BitStreamGenerator": the maximum number of
>>>>> bits is 32 (cf. return type of "next(int)" and the ubiquitous use
>>>>> of hard-coded "32".
>>>>> What about the possibility of using a "long" as a building block
>>>>> for another family of RNG?
>>>> Why?  We don't have contributions of other RNGs implemented using
>>>> 64-bit blocks of data.  In theory, I guess you could do that, but I
>>>> don't know of any and all the ones we have use 32-bit words.
>>>> Phil
>>>>> Gilles
>>> (1)
>>> CPUs and OS are nowadays commonly 64-bits based.
>>> Thus one could legitimately wonder whether, on such systems, generating
>>>   one "long" value
>>> would not be faster than generating
>>>   two "int" values,
>>> especially when 64 bits are necessary in order to produce the next random
>>> "long" or "double" value.
>>> (2)
>>> There indeed exist 64-bits implementations of RNGs:
>>> http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/VERSIONS/C-LANG/mt19937-64.c
>>>   http://burtleburtle.net/bob/rand/isaacafa.html
>>> I thus propose to create a feature branch that will contain
>>> * a new interface, for when "nextLong()" is the "random bits" producer
>> be aware that (at least some of) the 64-bit variants rely on unsigned
>> long arithmetic operations which can't be done in java without losing a
>> *lot* performance.
> What do you mean?
> Wasn't there the same problem when implementing RNGs that rely on
> unsigned int arithmetic, with Java's signed int?

in which case you can perform the operation in longs and convert back to
This is actually done for some of the RNG implementations in CM.

Normally, the addition, subtraction and multiplication should be
unaffected. Problematic are division (modulo) and comparison,
which need to be treated specially. At least the Well type rngs do modulo
operations, but I did not look into detail if this would create problems.

I just wanted to raise this issue before any decision is being made.

> But IIUC, the RNG codes generally rely on bit operations (and bit
> operations disguised as arithmetic).[1]
> Fortunately, the representation is the same in C and Java, which
> allows us to mostly copy source code.
> There *are* caveats, though:
>   * ">>" in C code must (in general) be replaced with ">>>"
>   * Some constants (that exceed MAX_VALUE) cannot be written using
>     their decimal representation (hexadecimal must be used instead).

the ">>" operator in C is implementation specific for signed values (see
Replacing it blindly with ">>>" is not correct imho.


> Gilles
> [1] This is related to the "next(int bits)" debate: Ideally, an
>     RNG indeed provides a "bit stream" but, as we are now all
>     hopefully convinced, those that concern us in CM actually
>     manipulate "int" (or "long") values, not "boolean" sequences.
> Thomas
>> * the (adapted) "xorshift1024*" RNG implementation from
>>>     http://xorshift.di.unimi.it/
>>> * an "adapter" to the existing generic methods
>>> * benchmarking code
>>> Gilles
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