On Tuesday, January 12, 2016 1:42 AM, Luc Maisonobe <l...@spaceroots.org> wrote:

Le 11/01/2016 23:11, Phil Steitz a écrit :> Now and then I want to go back and 
research how the code got to be> the way it is.  I used to be able to just jump 
into the old> svn-viewc thingy.  That is now blocked with a message that just 
says> "math is in git now."  That is great; but when I go back in the git> log, 
it always ends when whatever branch was created that I am> looking at.  How can 
I find the full history?
It seems strange. I just did a "git checkout field-ode" and "git log"and the 
list did go past the branch creation.
What I usually do for looking in large history with several branchesat once is 
"git log -30 --branches --oneline --decorate --graph",of course any number of 
commits other than 30 can be used.

Not that I ever use it, but I have this alias in my .gitconfig to do in the 
terminal what GUI's like gitk and SourceTree (which I personally adore, though 
GitUp is more powerful in sometimes-important ways) do:
lol = "log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all"
You can append the number-of-commits argument (e.g., -30) to it.
Its output is indistinguishable from that of Luc's command above in the repo 
that I tested them with.  You can obviously use the command without defining it 
as an alias:
git log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all

For any git command, like log, you can display its documentationby adding a 
"--help" *after* the command name, as in "git log --help".

Or do "git help log".

best regards,Luc


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