Hi Ole,

On 02/05/2016 06:40 PM, Ole Ersoy wrote:
> On 02/05/2016 04:42 PM, Evan Ward wrote:
>> Yes, I use it. In some cases it is useful to watch the RMS residuals
> So if it were modularized and supported logging then this might
> satisfy the same requirement?

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by logging, but I'm not
trying to put the values in a file, I'm making application flow
decisions based the values.

>> , in
>> other cases to watch the change in the states. I think it is there from
>> an acknowledgement that we can't enumerate all possible convergence
>> criteria,
> Has there ever been a case where the 'standard' convergence approach
> has been insufficient?

I think this depends on what is included in the standard convergence
checker. I think 90% of uses could be handled by watching the change in
cost or state. I like the option of specifying my own condition, so I
can control exactly when the algorithm stops.

> Also could you please look at this:
>     public static LeastSquaresProblem countEvaluations(final
> LeastSquaresProblem problem,
>                                                        final
> Incrementor counter) {
>         return new LeastSquaresAdapter(problem) {
>             /** {@inheritDoc} */
>             @Override
>             public Evaluation evaluate(final RealVector point) {
>                 counter.incrementCount();
>                 return super.evaluate(point);
>             }
>             // Delegate the rest.
>         };
>     }
> Should this exist?

Looks useful for counting evaluations, but I think all of the LS
optimizers already do this. Anyone have a use case for countEvaluations?

> Thanks,
> Ole
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