On 25 March 2016 at 14:04, Benedikt Ritter <brit...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> after we've accepted the Chimera project [1] as new Apache Commons project,
> it's time to decide on a name. I've used Apache Commons Crypto in the past,
> but some have argued that it isn't to the point.

Seems its more of a wrapper as it doesn't do the crypto.

Although Commons Email does not actually do Emal.

> I'd like to find a name the same way we did it for the potential Math TLP.
> Just add your idea to this thread and we'll tally them up after the easter
> weekend. The name with the most nominations wins :-)
> Please remember that Apache Commons component names should be short and
> descriptive.
> Here are my proposals:
> Apache Commons Crypto

Possibly, by analogy with Commons Mail

> Apache Commons Crypto Libs
> Apache Commons Crypto Extensions

I don't think it's either of those.

How about:

Apache Commons Crypto Wrapper
Apache Commons Crypto Helper
Apache Commons EasyCrypt

> Apache Commons AES
> Apache Commons AES Libs
> Apache Commons AES Extensions

I would avoid mention of a specific algorithm unless it will never
support any others.

> Best regards and happy easter!

Apache Commons SpookyCrypt :-)

> Benedikt
> [1] https://github.com/intel-hadoop/chimera

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