According to RFC959 the STAT command can be used with a pathname (and without 
while transfer is ongoing). I think your problem in the sample output is, that 
your FTP command client is not really issuing a STAT command. I would recommand 
you use a raw TCP connection like netcat/telnet to debug the command or at 
least use "QUOTE STAT /filename" if the client supports it.

I think it is rarely used for its actual return code as it is hard to parse but 
it is used as a NOP-like command to keep control connection active or signal 
interactions after file transfers (some servers need that to recognize complete 

BTW, I think this is a users-list question.


-----Original Message-----
From: Clark Stuth <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Di., 07 Juni 2016 21:53
Subject: [NET] - FtpClient.getStatus(path) does not seem to be working as 

We think we've identified a mis-documented feature with FTPClient in
commons-net, specifically the getStatus() methods. According to the FTP
protocol, STAT should return server status information. However,
according to the FTPClient documentation
 the STAT command is used to retrieve remote file listings. As a result,
we are running into an issue with how Spring Framework Integration is
using the FtpClient.getStatus(path) command.

>From our own testing it does not appear that the FTP Server's stat()
command returns a different result when presented with a pathname or
not.  The STAT command primarily seems to return server and connection
status information, not file information.

The following two examples will show the FTP Server Output when
presented with the STAT command against no path, a file that exists, and
an invalid path (file does not exist).
OpenVMS Implementation:
PureFTPD Implementation:

Is it possible we are misinterpreting what this stat command should be
doing?  It appears the FTP protocol functions differently than how this
method is documented.

If the functionality of the STAT command is vendor dependent, would it
be possible to update the documentation to include this?

Clark Stuth, Sean Lally
Carfax Software

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