
Fist post, so please let me know if I have posted to the wrong place.

Our third party credit card processor has advised us that Mastercard
numbers can be 16,17, 18, or 19 digits.  Previously the card number was
only 16 digits long.  The Creditcard validator enforces 16 digits, but
rejects card numbers that are 17, 18, or 19 digits long.  I have tried to
find "official" documentation on mastercard.com to verify this requirement,
but I can only find anecdotal evidence at the moment.

Perhaps someone on this list can provide more authoritative information?
If so, is there a timeline for a possible fix?  If we can find
authoritative information to confirm the card number length I would be
happy to make the change if someone will guide me through the process.

Thank you, and please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist
this effort.

Regards,    Bert

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