Hello Benedikt,

Op 21-07-16 om 08:39 schreef Benedikt Ritter:
Hallo Amedee,


However, if the answer really is no, we will explore the other options.

I'm not really happy with what your saying here. You're basically saying:
please invest your (spare time) to maintain Java 5 code,

I'm afraid you misinterpreted my email.

I asked a question, and I said beforehand that I would accept "no" as an answer.

now you're "threaten" us that you'll fork the project.

I'm afraid there is again a misinterpretation. Hey, I *know* how sensitive the "fork" topic is in Open Source. Really. We've had our own share of forks too, and they weren't as nice (because they intentionally tried to circumvent an AGPL license).

I gave 4 options that we are choosing from, and only those 4 options. I will repeat them again:

1. Tell our affected customers to move to Java 7
2. Switch the dependency from commons-imaging to sanselan, and loose some features
3. Remove the functionality that depends on commons-imaging alltogether
4. Depend on a 'release' of commons-imaging that is on Java 5.

Below that, I mentioned something that was not numbered, forking. It came up in an internal brainstorm in a meeting, and I personally gave lots of arguments why we should really really REALLY avoid to fork. I repeat: forking was briefly considered, and rejected.

I'm open for discussion how we can get to a 1.0 release that is 5.0
compatible *together* or how we can backport some of the fixes and features
to sanselan and release it as 0.98.

Emmanuel Bourg and Gary Gregory already answered the question. I read between the lines of Gary Gregory's email that a contribution would be welcomed. I would like to thank Emmanuel and Gary for their replies. When there is a 1.0 release, and if at that time our Java 5 product isn't EOL yet, then a contribution will most definitely be considered, obviously. After all, we're an Open Source company ourselves, and we know very well how Open Source works.

Amedee Van Gasse
QA Engineer | iText Software BVBA

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