Dear PMC,

I am writing to request a sandbox site be established for a proposed
commons sub-project, commons-filter .

The library will consist of widely used basic methods for signal and image
processing. As suits commons protocols the dependencies are only the Java
API and commons-math .

We have two initial core contributors to commons-filter, Bernd Porr
(contributor) and Eric Barnhill (committer). Sufficient code for
commons-filter has already been developed, tested, and integrated into
maven. Both contributors are professionals in the field of signal and image
processing. The library will further integrate the Kalman filter found in
commons-math and may include some future contributions to round out the

I believe this project to be well suited to the commons mission. Please
contact me with any questions about this proposal and we invite anyone on
the list with an interest in signal processing to contribute code or

Eric Barnhill

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