
currently we define our Jenkins job through the Jenkins UI. The problem
with this is, that there is no connection between the source code and the
way it is build. The Build job configuration is versioned separately from
the source code in Jenkins it self.

With the Jenkins Pipeline Plugin [1] it is possible to define Jenkins Jobs
in the source repository using a (groovy based) Job DSL [2]. So rather than
clicking through the Jenkins UI, one just writes down what jenkins should
to and checks it into version control.

The cool part is, that jenkins is than able to recreate the build pipeline
for every branch. This comes in handy when working with a gitflow like
development process, where there are several branches being changed.

I'd like to setup a PoC for the Commons Lang project showing, how this
looks like in real life. The PoC can than be adopted by other components,
if they wish.

Please let me know if you have objections.


[1] https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Pipeline+Plugin
[2] https://jenkins.io/solutions/pipeline/

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