It sounds like building on Java 9 renders the animal sniffer Maven plugin


On Jun 26, 2017 15:02, "Simon Spero" <> wrote:

>     <maven.compiler.source>1.5</maven.compiler.source>
>     <>1.5</>
>     <>org.apache.commons.functor</>
> JDK 9 cannot generate or parse class files compiled with -target 1.5  [1].
> Per the JPMS Armistice talks,   "Automatic-Module-Name" header should only
> be added to jars that have been tested under JDK 9 [2].
> Also, javac now supports the new "--release" argument as an alternative to
> source + target.
> Roughly speaking, this option combines -source & -target with a little bit
> of animal sniffing.  JDK 9 includes  signatures for JDK 6,7,8, and 9 (i.e.
> all the releases which jdk9 can compile for).
> This option is supported by maven-compiler-plugin [4] via a <release>
> element in the plugin  configuration, or by settting the property
> *maven.compiler.release* .
> Simon
> [1]
> [2]
> AutomaticModuleNames--ModuleNameInManifest
> [3]
> [4]
> compile-mojo.html#release

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