> On Jul 25, 2017, at 5:04 AM, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 2017-07-21, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
>> On 2017-07-19, Rob Tompkins wrote:
>>>> On Jul 19, 2017, at 8:13 AM, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> On 2017-07-19, Rob Tompkins wrote:
>>>>> The Apache Commons Collections component has been moved to git.
>>>> Many thanks for doing that, Rob!
>>>> Are you following some kind of playbook with the git migration? If so,
>>>> we should add one point:
>>>> * edit the svn:externals property of
>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/trunks-proper and remove the
>>>> entry for the component just migrated.
>>> Good point, and no playbook here. I suppose we should either:
>>> 1. create such a playbook, or 2. do the remainder of the repos so that
>>> such a playbook is no longer needed. :-)
>> True.
>> I'm all for option 1 and may find some time over the weekend to start a
>> page inside the wiki, based on what I recall doing back when I migrated
>> Compress.
> Not really weekend anymore. :-)

Ha….fair point :-)

If I recall correctly Benedikt was the last to update this page when he 
migrated [cli] over (even as late as last month on 6/28). So I think that it’s 
fairly up to date, aside from the bit that you did with “trunks-proper” in svn.

I unfortunately don’t have permissions to edit out pages on the wiki (I think 
that I need some one with the karma to add me). I would guess that it would be 
a subset of these folks https://wiki.apache.org/commons/ContributorsGroup 
<https://wiki.apache.org/commons/ContributorsGroup>. I suppose I’ll request 
access now.


> When I wanted to begin a new page I found this one
> https://wiki.apache.org/commons/MovingToGit 
> <https://wiki.apache.org/commons/MovingToGit>
> Not sure whether everything on it is still accurate, but at least it
> contains all the data points that I remembered myself.
> Cheers
>        Stefan
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