On 3 December 2017 at 01:32, Rob Tompkins <chtom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Dec 2, 2017, at 4:42 PM, Charles Honton <c...@honton.org> wrote:
>> I’ve been down this path about a year ago.  We’re relying on the side effect 
>> of these assemblies being artifacts for the GPG plugin to sign them.  There 
>> is an outstanding JIRA (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MGPG-43 
>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MGPG-43>) to support signing 
>> un-attached files.  Unfortunately, this was not sufficient.  The maven 
>> deploy plugin generates the md5/sha1/asc files.  I suggested adding this 
>> functionality to the GPG plugin.  The response 
>> (http://maven-dev.markmail.org/search/?q=MGPG-43#query:MGPG-43+page:1+mid:6huxvhef5rzmzmsh+state:results
>> <http://maven-dev.markmail.org/search/?q=MGPG-43#query:MGPG-43+page:1+mid:6huxvhef5rzmzmsh+state:results>)
>>  was not positive.
> Ugh. This sounds like an unfortunate situation. Many thanks for those 
> insights. You’ve definitely saved me a week of figuring that out.
>> The step to take now is to create a new plugin and work with the maven core 
>> team to accept a new plugin to support our use case.  Alternatively, we can 
>> change our release process to something similar to what the Maven team does. 
>>  There is native support for their process.
> I’ll try to read their documentation on their release process.

Another approach I tried a while back (*) is to keep the current deploy process.
I.e. deploy the ASF mirror artefacts to Nexus along with the rest.
This ensures that the non-Maven zips are created and signed under target

An additional stage then copies the ASF archives/sigs/hashes from
target/ to dist/dev/commons using svnmucc.

Optionally the Nexus directory can be tidied up to remove the
unnecessary archives/sigs/hashes
Ideally they would be excluded from the upload so this was not
necessary, but that could be part of a separate effort.


> -Rob
>> chas
>>> On Dec 2, 2017, at 1:06 PM, Rob Tompkins <chtom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> In my work on the [build-plugin], I’ve come across the following mechanism 
>>> to prevent the [maven-assembly-plugin] from deploying the artifacts to 
>>> nexus. If in the configuration section of the plugin, you put 
>>> “<attach>false</attach>” the archives that the [maven-assembly-plugin] 
>>> creates will not get pushed up to nexus. For example I have locally in 
>>> [text] the following:
>>> <plugin>
>>>      <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>>>      <configuration>
>>>              <descriptors>
>>>              <descriptor>src/assembly/bin.xml</descriptor>
>>>                      <descriptor>src/assembly/src.xml</descriptor>
>>>              </descriptors>
>>>              <tarLongFileMode>gnu</tarLongFileMode>
>>>              <attach>false</attach>
>>>      </configuration>
>>> </plugin>
>>> and with that, using "-Ptest-deploy" profile, the archives aren’t pushed to 
>>> "./target/deploy”.
>>> As previously stated, my plan is to streamline the release process 
>>> considerably with java updates to the build plugin, but for the time being, 
>>> this should be helpful.
>>> Cheers,
>>> -Rob
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