The report has been sent to the board for the December 20th meeting.


On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Gary Gregory <>

> Please advise if you think something should be changed:
> --
> ## Description:
> - The Apache Commons project focuses on all aspects of reusable Java
> components.
> - The Apache Commons components are widely used in many projects, both
> within
>   Apache and without. Any ASF committer can commit to Apache Commons.
> - The last report was for the meeting of September 20, 2017.
> ## Issues:
>  - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.
> ## Activity:
>  - The project is active with twelve (12) releases this reporting period.
> ## Health report:
>  - Most components in Commons are mature, but are still actively maintained
>    (12 releases). The dev list is active. JIRA is active. Speed of
> responses
>    to users is reasonable in most cases. We have no new PMC members, no
> new
>    committers, and Commons is still open to any Apache Committer.
>  - Previous growing pains toward Commons Math 4 might see resolution with
> a
>    plan toward splitting off Commons Math into new components.
> ## PMC changes:
>  - Currently 38 PMC members.
>  - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
>  - Last PMC addition was Rob Tompkins on Fri Jun 30 2017
> ## Committer base changes:
>  - Currently 146 committers.
>  - Sergio Fernández was added as a committer on Sat Nov 04 2017
> ## Releases:
>  - BCEL-6.1 was released on Sun Sep 17 2017
>  - BCEL-6.2 was released on Thu Dec 07 2017
>  - CODEC-1.11 was released on Thu Oct 19 2017
>  - COMPRESS-1.15 was released on Mon Oct 16 2017
>  - CONFIGURATION-2.2 was released on Wed Oct 11 2017
>  - DAEMON-1.1.0 was released on Tue Nov 21 2017
>  - IO-2.6 was released on Sat Oct 14 2017
>  - JELLY-1.0.1 was released on Sat Sep 23 2017
>  - LANG-3.7 was released on Tue Nov 07 2017
>  - POOL-2.4.3 was released on Fri Oct 27 2017
>  - TEXT-1.2 was released on Mon Dec 11 2017
>  - VFS-2.2 was released on Thu Oct 05 2017
> ## JIRA activity:
>  - 171 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months
>  - 228 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months
> Gary Gregory
> Apache Commons Chair

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