On Sun, 24 Jun 2018 19:09:38 +0000, Matt Juntunen wrote:
Hi all,

I'd like to add some additional methods to the Euclidean Point/Vector
classes. Some are for convenience/readability and some are critical
pieces of functionality that I believe are missing.

Vector Methods:

  1.  length() - Return the length of the vector; this is a more
intuitive and easier to read alias for getNorm().

"length" has a different usage in Java.
"magnitude" would more readily convey the intended meaning.
But "norm" is shorter, and as clear IMHO.

I've no issue with the other proposals.


  2.  withLength(double len) - Return a new vector with the same
direction as the current one but with the given length. This is
equivalent  to "vec.normalize().scalarMultiply(len);" but without the
intermediate vector.
  3.  project(Vector?D v) - Return a new vector representing the
result of projecting the current vector onto the given vector.
  4.  reject(Vector?D v) - Return a new vector with all components in
the direction of v "rejected". This can also be pictured as returning
a new vector representing the result of projecting the current vector
onto the plane with the given normal. This operation is the complement
of the project() function since "vec.project(n).add(vec.reject(n))"
equals the original vector.
  5.  lerp(double t, Vector?D v) - Perform a linear interpolation
between the current vector and the given vector. If t == 0, a vector
equal to the current vector is returned. If t == 1, a vector equal to
the given vector is returned. All other values are interpolated
linearly. For example, t == 0.5 would give the halfway point between
the two vectors. There should also be a static version of this method.

Point Methods:

  1.  lerp(double t, Point?D p) - Same as the vector lerp() method
but for points. There should also be a static version available.

Thoughts? Comments? I've opened up a JIRA issue for this as well:



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