
Apache Common is a single project but is made up of Components that are
developed and released individually.

Can you be more specific? Which Components are you talking about?


On Fri, Nov 30, 2018, 01:52 Hannes H. <dub...@gmail.com wrote:

> Good day,
> while migrating a code base which depends on Apache Commons from Java 8 to
> Java 11 the problem with 'split packages' crossed my efforts to do so.
> I did some research but I could not find anything, so I try by asking here:
> Is there a modularized version/edition of Apache Commons available, or is
> there a timeline until when this will be done?
> If not: Is there any suggestion on how to approach that problem when
> migration to a newer, jigsaw-enabled JDK version?
> Thanks for your time and help,
> Hannes

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