
Le jeu. 14 mars 2019 à 12:58, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> I've just added a Jira task to add the new XorShiRo generaters to the
> user guide.
> I note that the order of the RNGs in the *Quality* section does not
> match the order of the RandomSource enum, nor is it alphabetical. The
> list order is defined in
> org.apache.commons.rng.examples.stress.GeneratorsList. Nearly all the
> IntProviders are first with the exception of MWC_256 and KISS.
> So:
> - Should the new XoShiRo generators be added to the end?

[To minimize source code changes.]

> - Should all the *Quality* results be reordered to match the
> RandomSource enum?

[Unless some other orders make sense: from fast to slow, from good
to bad, ...]

> - Should results be alphabetical?

[The names are not especially telling...]

> - Should the MWC_256 and KISS be moved so the generators are listed for
> IntProvider then LongProvider?


> Looking at the history for RandomSource enum and the GeneratorsList it
> seems the order has always been the same in both, although not between
> them. If new generators are added to the end of the RandomSource enum
> then perhaps all the other lists used in the test suites and
> benchmarking suites should match the same order.

The order in "RandomSource" is immaterial to the te user (i.e. an application
should certainly not rely on that order).

> I would vote for requiring that new generators are added to the end of
> the RandomSource enum.


> All other lists through the code should match
> this order.

What when the list split in two ("Int" vs "Long"), then combined for running
a test/benchmark?  Results are not going to be sorted.  At first sight, I don't
think it's worth making this sort of requirements (unless everything can be
automated to provide the sorted output for free).


> The order in PR #30 for the XorShift1024StarPhi generator adds to the
> RandomSource enum directly after XOR_SHIFT_1024_S.
> The order in PR #20 for the new XorShiRo generators adds to the
> RandomSource enum at the end in alphabetical order for the IntProviders
> then again for the new LongProviders.
> These can be fixed depending on the order decision when the PRs are merged.
> Alex

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