That’s what I switched to. -Rob

> On Apr 11, 2019, at 2:44 PM, Benedikt Ritter <> wrote:
> An alternative would be to use SystemUtils.isJavaVersionAtMost the have
> behavior depending on the current Java versions. This would preserve the
> behavior for users on Java < 12.
> Benedikt
> Am Mi., 10. Apr. 2019 um 16:32 Uhr schrieb Rob Tompkins <
>> :
>> I like that. I’ll get that sorted out.
>> -Rob
>>> On Apr 10, 2019, at 10:28 AM, Gary Gregory <>
>> wrote:
>>> I think UnsupportedOperationException with a Java 12 comment, but we
>> should
>>> also add @Deprecated with a comment about it not working at all on Java
>> 12.
>>> Gary
>>>> On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 8:55 AM Rob Tompkins <> wrote:
>>>> Looks like we get an exception because the final modifier isn’t
>> removable
>>>> in java 12+ and for good reason [1]. So, we probably should throw an
>>>> exception, but both of the exceptions that arise out of the jvm here
>>>> <
>>>> are checked exceptions. Specifically we get a “NoSuchFieldException”
>> when
>>>> we attempt to retrieve “modifiers” from the “Field.” For the sake of
>>>> retaining BC, I would think that we would in turn convert that
>> Exception to
>>>> an “UnsupportedOperationException”  or a “TypeNotPresentException”
>> (maybe
>>>> ??) for the sake of getting to an unchecked exception.
>>>> Open to thoughts here,
>>>> -Rob
>>>> [1]
>>>>> On Apr 10, 2019, at 5:09 AM, Benedikt Ritter <>
>> wrote:
>>>>> Damn it, I had it on my list to fix those. Sorry, Rob!
>>>>> Am Mi., 10. Apr. 2019 um 03:33 Uhr schrieb Rob Tompkins <
>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> On Apr 9, 2019, at 9:15 PM, Gary Gregory <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> +0... see Java 12 testing below.
>>>>>> That +0 is almost worth cancelling for in my opinion. I’ll wait until
>>>>>> tomorrow to see if anyone else wants to have an opinion here, and then
>>>> I’ll
>>>>>> have another go at it.
>>>>>> -Rob
>>>>>>> Nit in the release notes: Replace "Java 8.0" with Java 8".
>>>>>>> From the git tag, ran 'mvn -V clean package' OK for:
>>>>>>> Apache Maven 3.6.0 (97c98ec64a1fdfee7767ce5ffb20918da4f719f3;
>>>>>>> 2018-10-24T14:41:47-04:00)
>>>>>>> Maven home: C:\Java\apache-maven-3.6.0\bin\..
>>>>>>> Java version: 1.8.0_202, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime:
>>>> C:\Program
>>>>>>> Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_202\jre
>>>>>>> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
>>>>>>> OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family:
>>>> "windows"
>>>>>>> Apache Maven 3.6.0 (97c98ec64a1fdfee7767ce5ffb20918da4f719f3;
>>>>>>> 2018-10-24T14:41:47-04:00)
>>>>>>> Maven home: C:\Java\apache-maven-3.6.0\bin\..
>>>>>>> Java version: 11.0.2, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: C:\Program
>>>>>>> Files\Java\openjdk\jdk-11.0.2
>>>>>>> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
>>>>>>> OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family:
>>>> "windows"
>>>>>>> BUT on Java 12:
>>>>>>> Apache Maven 3.6.0 (97c98ec64a1fdfee7767ce5ffb20918da4f719f3;
>>>>>>> 2018-10-24T14:41:47-04:00)
>>>>>>> Maven home: C:\Java\apache-maven-3.6.0\bin\..
>>>>>>> Java version: 12, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: C:\Program
>>>>>>> Files\Java\openjdk\jdk-12
>>>>>>> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
>>>>>>> OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family:
>>>> "windows"
>>>>>>> I get:
>>>>>>> [ERROR] Failures:
>>>>>>> [ERROR]   FieldUtilsTest.testRemoveFinalModifier:998 expected:
>> <false>
>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> was: <true>
>>>>>>> [ERROR]   FieldUtilsTest.testRemoveFinalModifierWithAccess:1009
>>>> expected:
>>>>>>> <false> but was: <true>
>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>> [ERROR] Tests run: 5774, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 4
>>>>>>> On Java 13-EA:
>>>>>>> Apache Maven 3.6.0 (97c98ec64a1fdfee7767ce5ffb20918da4f719f3;
>>>>>>> 2018-10-24T14:41:47-04:00)
>>>>>>> Maven home: C:\Java\apache-maven-3.6.0\bin\..
>>>>>>> Java version: 13-ea, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: C:\Program
>>>>>>> Files\Java\openjdk\jdk-13
>>>>>>> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
>>>>>>> OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family:
>>>> "windows"
>>>>>>> I get:
>>>>>>> [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> [INFO]  T E S T S
>>>>>>> [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> [WARNING] Corrupted STDOUT by directly writing to native stream in
>>>> forked
>>>>>>> JVM 1. See FAQ web page and the dump file
>> C:\temp\rc\commons-lang\target\surefire-reports\2019-04-09T21-13-37_709-jvmRun1.dumpstream
>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>> [INFO] Results:
>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>> [INFO] Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> [INFO] Total time:  27.315 s
>>>>>>> [INFO] Finished at: 2019-04-09T21:13:38-04:00
>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
>>>>>>> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.1:test
>>>> (default-test)
>>>>>>> on project commons-lang3: There are test failures.
>>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>>> [ERROR] Please refer to
>> C:\temp\rc\commons-lang\target\surefire-reports
>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> the individual test results.
>>>>>>> [ERROR] Please refer to dump files (if any exist) [date].dump,
>>>>>>> [date]-jvmRun[N].dump and [date].dumpstream.
>>>>>>> [ERROR] The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye. VM
>>>>>> crash
>>>>>>> or System.exit called?
>>>>>>> [ERROR] Command was cmd.exe /X /C ""C:\Program
>>>>>>> Files\Java\openjdk\jdk-13\bin\java"
>> -javaagent:C:\\Users\\ggregory\\.m2\\repository\\org\\jacoco\\org.jacoco.agent\\0.8.2\\org.jacoco.agent-0.8.2-runtime.jar=destfile=C:\\temp\\rc\\commons-lang\\target\\jacoco.exec
>>>>>>> -Xmx512m --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED
>>>> --add-opens
>>>>>>> java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -jar
>> C:\Users\ggregory\AppData\Local\Temp\surefire5519858828807362694\surefirebooter988663828837655366.jar
>>>>>>> C:\Users\ggregory\AppData\Local\Temp\surefire5519858828807362694
>>>>>>> 2019-04-09T21-13-37_709-jvmRun1 surefire11717302241379819897tmp
>>>>>>> surefire_07095889889312770815tmp"
>>>>>>> [ERROR] Error occurred in starting fork, check output in log
>>>>>>> [ERROR] Process Exit Code: 1
>>>>>>> [ERROR] org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooterForkException:
>>>> The
>>>>>>> forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye. VM crash or
>>>>>>> System.exit called?
>>>>>>> [ERROR] Command was cmd.exe /X /C ""C:\Program
>>>>>>> Files\Java\openjdk\jdk-13\bin\java"
>> -javaagent:C:\\Users\\ggregory\\.m2\\repository\\org\\jacoco\\org.jacoco.agent\\0.8.2\\org.jacoco.agent-0.8.2-runtime.jar=destfile=C:\\temp\\rc\\commons-lang\\target\\jacoco.exec
>>>>>>> -Xmx512m --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED
>>>> --add-opens
>>>>>>> java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -jar
>> C:\Users\ggregory\AppData\Local\Temp\surefire5519858828807362694\surefirebooter988663828837655366.jar
>>>>>>> C:\Users\ggregory\AppData\Local\Temp\surefire5519858828807362694
>>>>>>> 2019-04-09T21-13-37_709-jvmRun1 surefire11717302241379819897tmp
>>>>>>> surefire_07095889889312770815tmp"
>>>>>>> [ERROR] Error occurred in starting fork, check output in log
>>>>>>> [ERROR] Process Exit Code: 1
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.booterclient.ForkStarter.fork(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.AbstractSurefireMojo.executeProvider(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.AbstractSurefireMojo.executeAfterPreconditionsChecked(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.AbstractSurefireMojo.execute(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultBuildPluginManager.executeMojo(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleModuleBuilder.buildProject(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleModuleBuilder.buildProject(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.LifecycleStarter.execute(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>>>>>>> org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>>>>>>> org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>>>>>>> org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>>>>>> org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.execute(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>>>>>> org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.doMain(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>>>> org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>>>>>>> java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launchEnhanced(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launch(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]         at
>> org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.main(
>>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>>> [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
>>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 3:37 PM Rob Tompkins <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> We have fixed quite a few bugs and added some significant
>> enhancements
>>>>>>>> since Apache Commons Lang 3.8.1 was released, so I would like to
>>>> release
>>>>>>>> Apache Commons Lang 3.9.
>>>>>>>> Apache Commons Lang 3.9 RC1 is available for review here:
>>>>>>>> (svn
>>>>>>>> revision 33538)
>>>>>>>> The Git tag commons-lang-3.9-RC1 commit for this RC is
>>>>>>>> 8b378885152075b44c5710d6dbcb8df4a5fb3223 which you can browse here:
>>>>>>>> You may checkout this tag using:
>>>>>>>> git clone
>>>>>>>> --branch commons-lang-3.9-RC1
>>>>>>>> Maven artifacts are here:
>>>>>>>> These are the Maven artifacts and their hashes in Nexus:
>>>>>>>> #Nexus SHA-1s
>> commons-lang3-3.9-sources.jar=6dce2c1ea3cbb6c438b2313786a501b38e5ad7b0
>>>>>>>> commons-lang3-3.9.pom=a0204d47009f50de96af0b87acfd1c6b3b16419a
>> commons-lang3-3.9-javadoc.jar=c643c72d73f70ed7d71783f3ce8f37b057e33777
>>>>>>>> commons-lang3-3.9.jar=d76bbd8a0213744a14af3ba80ab3ab69b02bdbae
>>>>>>>> commons-lang3-3.9-tests.jar=411ede8701d31196bc28c2c60607e6de47da4922
>> commons-lang3-3.9-test-sources.jar=a28a97bb8d4fa3e05230d3eed5b8f934f3f55889
>>>>>>>> #Release SHA-512s
>>>>>>>> #Tue Apr 09 14:23:45 EDT 2019
>> commons-lang3-3.9-src.tar.gz=8e85013ae7629b205ed39c54f9c14d8d7801c47226373ccb0482a0149dbf9c7654d6b5c81815b594f45b4426917bbe1618db7ba6758665e39771efbb98c49e20
>> commons-lang3-3.9-bin.tar.gz=8ebaa30565d80d32dbb1ba19047f61027fd043294b85aa1f6f1613c7ac4739da030ff2a5ea2ad119283d13fb5db7b41c1bd784f95828cb9727a3f7e9f302d9fc
>>>>>>>> I have tested this with 'mvn clean test package site' using:
>>>>>>>> Apache Maven 3.6.0 (97c98ec64a1fdfee7767ce5ffb20918da4f719f3;
>>>>>>>> 2018-10-24T14:41:47-04:00)
>>>>>>>> Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.6.0/libexec
>>>>>>>> Java version: 1.8.0_202, vendor: Inc., runtime:
>> /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/amazon-corretto-8.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
>>>>>>>> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
>>>>>>>> OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.14.4", arch: "x86_64", family:
>> "mac"
>>>>>>>> Details of changes since 3.8.1 are in the release notes:
>>>>>>>> Site:
>>>>>>>> (note some *relative* links are broken and the 3.9 directories are
>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> yet created - these will be OK once the site is deployed.)
>>>>>>>> CLIRR Report (compared to 3.8.1):
>>>>>>>> JApiCmp Report (compared to 3.8.1):
>>>>>>>> RAT Report:
>>>>>>>> KEYS:
>>>>>>>> Please review the release candidate and vote.
>>>>>>>> This vote will close no sooner that 72 hours from now.
>>>>>>>> [ ] +1 Release these artifacts
>>>>>>>> [ ] +0 OK, but...
>>>>>>>> [ ] -0 OK, but really should fix...
>>>>>>>> [ ] -1 I oppose this release because...
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>> Rob Tompkins,
>>>>>>>> Release Manager (using key B6E73D84EA4FCC47166087253FAAD2CD5ECBB314)
>>>>>>>> For following is intended as a helper and refresher for reviewers.
>>>>>>>> Validating a release candidate
>>>>>>>> ==============================
>>>>>>>> These guidelines are NOT complete.
>>>>>>>> Requirements: Git, Java, Maven.
>>>>>>>> You can validate a release from a release candidate (RC) tag as
>>>> follows.
>>>>>>>> 1) Clone and checkout the RC:
>>>>>>>> git clone -b
>>>>>>>> commons-lang-3.9-RC1
>>>>>>>> cd commons-lang-3.9-RC1
>>>>>>>> 2) Check Apache licenses:
>>>>>>>> mvn apache-rat:check
>>>>>>>> 3) Build the package:
>>>>>>>> mvn -V clean package
>>>>>>>> You can record the Maven and Java version produced by -V in your
>>>>>>>> reply.
>>>>>>>> 4) Build the site for a single module project:
>>>>>>>> mvn site
>>>>>>>> Check the site reports in:
>>>>>>>> target\site\index.html
>>>>>>>> 4) Build the site for a multi-module project:
>>>>>>>> mvn site
>>>>>>>> mvn site:stage
>>>>>>>> Check the site reports in:
>>>>>>>> target\site\index.html
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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