The checkstyle file for all these projects has a common origin (of [math]?). Checkstyle has advanced since the origin of these checks and there are many more checks that can be added to maintain the current coding style.

I've looked at this for RNG starting from a template for the Sun standards [1].

The code is maintained to high standard and the sun standards need little modification. Here are the changes:

- Removed FinalParameters

- Removed MagicNumber

- Removed InnerAssignment

- Change line length to 120

- Changed ParameterNumber to only check methods (not constructors)

- Changed NoWhitespaceAfter to remove checks for array initialisers allowing the whitespace after the { here:

double[] array = new double[] { 1, 2, 3 };

(arguably this could be left at the default Sun coding style to have 'new double[] {1, 2, 3}'.)

- Changed WhitespaceAround to allow empty constructors (for private utility constructors) and empty types (for marker interfaces)

- Changed VisibilityModifier to allow protected fields

- Changed OperatorWrap to the current checkstyle config

When run over RNG this requires the following changes:

Some method javadoc required a missing end period.

Line length: Some wrapping to 120 characters is required.

Whitespace after: Some updates to change declarations of generics, e.g.

Map<Integer,String> to Map<Integer, String>

3 utility classes should be final. These may be a breaking API changes. The classes have private constructor so should not be inherited from by any user. Only one is public the other two are package private.

1 TODO comment is as yet undone.

Indentation: This picked up a few formatting errors.

All the changes are in a new PR [2] so you can view the new additions to the checkstyle file and the changes to the code that must be made.

I have just appended the additions to the current checkstyle config. However going forward it may be better to match the order of the reference checkstyle template provided by checkstyle and then add to that for commons specific requirements.

Statistics changes:

I tried this on statistics. There are 415 errors, 50 errors if the test sources are excluded. Most of these in the source are genuine formatting issues. The only rule that is broken is LocalFinalVariableName which requires variables to be named '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.

I do not agree with naming conventions when the code is implementing an equation so I would either remove this rule or add checkstyle exceptions file for the two methods where the rule is broken.

See the modifications for statistics in this PR [3]. I've not fixed all the tests. They are mainly failures due to indentation or whitespace, e.g:

observedCounts[s - 1]++;

Fixing them would be easy but I am out of time for today.




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