This VOTE passes with the following +1 binding votes:

- Bruno P. Kinoshita
- Rob Tompkins
- Gary Gregory

In addition, Alex Herbert cast a +0.5 binding vote.

Thank you all for taking the time to diligently review this release


On Thu, May 23, 2019 at 9:39 PM Gary Gregory <> wrote:

> To:
> Subject: [VOTE] Release Apache Commons Configuration 2.5 based on RC1
> We have fixed quite a few bugs and added some significant enhancements
> since Apache Commons Configuration 2.4 was released, so I would like to
> release Apache Commons Configuration 2.5.
> Apache Commons Configuration 2.5 RC1 is available for review here:
> (svn revision 34200)
> The Git tag commons-configuration-2.5-RC1 commit for this RC is
> dc00a04783ea951280ba0cd8318f53e19acb707f which you can browse here:
> You may checkout this tag using:
>     git clone
> --branch
> commons-configuration-2.5-RC1 commons-configuration-2.5-RC1
> Maven artifacts are here:
> These are the artifacts and their hashes:
> #Release SHA-512s
> #Thu May 23 21:10:52 EDT 2019
> commons-configuration2-2.5-bin.tar.gz=af36d6218f2b04492b1ecdb3a45c9eca0e782f38d1278076ce066b2e31c3a92fe7a10eef4639f1047bf25ae2bdc4e61e401b7713933886a221588ff276d713c1
> commons-configuration2-2.5-bin.tar.gz.asc=5b28973721604ad88dd91918d4093876bab8d711851adcbbc641d6da555badc7cca508ec779d2ecdb846ad954063b34a04345e683652caeb4624bfc76c518d1f
> commons-configuration2-2.5-javadoc.jar=9f8290afe2f663ead9ddae5034c7a08f9ee792cd48821e17fced1ca287a2fb58906e782c8b3f4428ccda1089193402407002f70194d59999ecba09edbebf9fab
> commons-configuration2-2.5-javadoc.jar.asc=2b62b54400e81f1de39cfe17ed9aafa716a46b58dbf31b49270f85bbc53df09738decd7daec9fe84ef893824a63ed2d7333aa3b0d54524b879d5f17d98d3eb15
> commons-configuration2-2.5-sources.jar=05b0675c7725a97cfc892267c44503be12f086f740f83f86b59bab902bd395c9b3f57fa37969993a1cab49a8d99266f29c984f331649d3800fe56a884a0bcc39
> commons-configuration2-2.5-sources.jar.asc=42158d3cffd2403a6efd80b1654d252d2a164475e57c11a2a30159bd15216c87ccfdd9ce4609ceeffbd387350a93d4d2d2044af346db93f70812af80b14644d3
> commons-configuration2-2.5-src.tar.gz=b69725d694f59678b690d50dc1f17718e7bd3deaa49a4dd30c20548b7df14494d27cec6325b6dd5a4da4adba368c26743ce80de147682cf49da1d5304f6bd9b1
> commons-configuration2-2.5-src.tar.gz.asc=c274f8e4e1c575d3b423315019df312530910bcf465e7b109d4fcd7b6d4b671ed34f5cf7731c8fb98378940b1ae03d595e69db4cf94095ad7293a8afda8e2956
> commons-configuration2-2.5-test-sources.jar=756f6437475241b26b2ce190f8388227e058cefb862e48b98ac86b1886fa299902b77163baec789ead26f398912069b881fe1a1dfe62a1892b8245be31e13f5b
> commons-configuration2-2.5-test-sources.jar.asc=080cc1fbc4925bdfd5679d0d2ba60c67a0f594b2b585b010f273ed7a598f817ff9224d0790d2c2981460ea8de69ba67e77c11ee17aa6965bf398b94bd92e9306
> commons-configuration2-2.5-tests.jar=ae8a35a0f3c832f8d0869ab900ad13b33537b0112ef320ef9718ad9e707a3a18292d785b0c78f2ade81a0d8967edeb4c92ff6ea4a796a57b3d62c2c153529078
> commons-configuration2-2.5-tests.jar.asc=2b25ba280d7c210fb2e7cdc78e971557f365eb08a6645503003833f685ca88d848afb5b56abac5d2861473f01d2d2636ae442e825506c6f059f59bef1a8ba8d6
> commons-configuration2-2.5.jar.asc=ab783f4b2e248786a0c7c914f5e80046b045b859713e7b94c97b4f4a65001db9270650917f00ee4ab8ca6e32fe6411f9ee9e17126b86751febcbdc7b403b08c1
> commons-configuration2-2.5.pom.asc=6836729386d91565b4e489763a0930b6cacfa697719c563210b0dd3ec9f058060d254374b6fd53ff03ecb2e78227dc4b20128b85e04bbd56d4fc1483d6140666
> I have tested this with 'mvn clean install site -Pjacoco' using:
> Apache Maven 3.6.1 (d66c9c0b3152b2e69ee9bac180bb8fcc8e6af555;
> 2019-04-04T15:00:29-04:00)
> Maven home: C:\Java\apache-maven-3.6.1\bin\..
> Java version: 1.8.0_212, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: C:\Program
> Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_212\jre
> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
> OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"
> Details of changes since 2.4 are in the release notes:
> Site:
>     (note some *relative* links are broken and the 2.5 directories are not
> yet created - these will be OK once the site is deployed.)
> There is no Clirr report since Clirr blows up when it sees a Java 8
> default method.
> JApiCmp Report (compared to 2.4):
> RAT Report:
> Please review the release candidate and vote.
> This vote will close no sooner that 72 hours from now.
>   [ ] +1 Release these artifacts
>   [ ] +0 OK, but...
>   [ ] -0 OK, but really should fix...
>   [ ] -1 I oppose this release because...
> Thank you,
> Gary Gregory,
> Release Manager (using key 86fdc7e2a11262cb)
> For following is intended as a helper and refresher for reviewers.
> Validating a release candidate
> =======================
> These guidelines are NOT complete.
> Requirements: Git, Java, Maven.
> You can validate a release from a release candidate (RC) tag as follows.
> 1) Clone and checkout the RC tag
> git clone
> --branch commons-configuration-2.5-RC1 commons-configuration-2.5-RC1
> cd commons-configuration-2.5-RC1
> 2) Check Apache licenses
> This step is not required if the site includes a RAT report page which you
> then must check.
> mvn apache-rat:check
> 3) Check binary compatibility
> This step is not required if the site includes a JApiCmp report page which
> you then must check.
> mvn install -DskipTests -Pjapicmp japicmp:cmp
> 4) Build the package
> mvn -V clean package
> You can record the Maven and Java version produced by -V in your VOTE
> reply.
> To gather OS information from a command line:
> Windows: ver
> Linux: uname -a
> 5) Build the site for a single module project
> Note: Some plugins require the components to be installed instead of
> packaged.
> mvn install site
> Check the site reports in:
> - Windows: target\site\index.html
> - Linux: target/site/index.html
> 6) Build the site for a multi-module project
> mvn install site
> mvn site:stage
> Check the site reports in:
> - Windows: target\site\index.html
> - Linux: target/site/index.html
> --eof--

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