The previous commons-math interface for descriptive statistics used a
paradigm of constructing classes for various statistical functions and
calling evaluate(). Example

Mean mean = new Mean();
double mn = mean.evaluate(double[])

I wrote this type of code all through grad school and always found it
unnecessarily bulky.  To me these summary statistics are classic use cases
for static methods:

double mean .= Mean.evaluate(double[])

I don't have any particular problem with the evaluate() syntax.

I looked over the old Math 4 API to see if there were any benefits to the
previous class-oriented approach that we might not want to lose. But I
don't think there were, the functionality outside of evaluate() is minimal.

Finally we should consider whether we really need a separate class for each
statistic at all. Do we want to call:




or maybe

Stats.mean() ?

The last being nice and compact.

Let's make a decision so our esteemed mentee Virendra knows in what
direction to take his work this summer. :)

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