
Le lun. 3 juin 2019 à 16:49, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Can I get a review of a PR that changes the ProviderBuilder [1]?
> The aim is to move the creation of the seed and the RNG into the
> RandomSourceInternal.
> This allows for customisation of the seed creation on a per-RNG basis.
> The reason is that some new generators in the library for v1.3 require
> the seed is non-zero. For example this is a realistic possibility when
> the seed is an array of ints of size 2.
> The code change has required updating the routines using the
> SeedConverter interface and adding a Seed2ArrayConverter interface:
> public interface Seed2ArrayConverter<IN, OUT> extends SeedConverter<IN, OUT> {
>      /**
>       * Converts seed from input type to output type. The output type is 
> expected to be an array.
>       *
>       * @param seed Original seed value.
>       * @param outputSize Output size.
>       * @return the converted seed value.
>       */
>      OUT convert(IN seed, int outputSize);
> }
> I've moved conversion to a new enum class for seed creation and
> conversion. Previously the ProviderBuilder used maps to store all the
> conversions. These are now explicitly written as conversion methods in
> the enum. The amount of code is the same and the conversions are the
> same. However use of the enum for conversion has removed the need to
> support the Seed2ArrayConverter interface in all the converters. This
> has deprecated some methods and classes. I've not yet marked them as so
> in the PR.
> i.e.
> private static final Map<Class<?>, SeedConverter<long[], ?>> CONV_LONG_ARRAY =
>      new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, SeedConverter<long[], ?>>();
> does not have to become:
> private static final Map<Class<?>, Seed2ArrayConverter<long[], ?>> 
>      new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Seed2ArrayConverter<long[], ?>>();
> with the corresponding conversion as:
> nativeSeed = CONV_LONG_ARRAY.get(source.getSeed()).convert((long[]) seed, 
> source.getSeedSize());
> Currently conversions of arrays to arrays ignore the seed size. Creation
> of a new seed is limited to a maximum of 128.

See below.

> This matches the previous
> functionality. It could be changed to create the full length seed.

See below.

> The
> impact would be more work done within synchronized blocks in the
> SeedFactory. I would expect the generation to be slower but the seed
> quality will be higher.

As per the previous discussion, special needs should be covered
by the user.
However, it could be construed that 128 is large enough for a casual
user, and a larger seed could also pass as a special need that the
user can provide explicitly...

So either way is fine I guess.

> Only creation of arrays from int/long seeds will use the seed size. This
> does not operate within a synchronized block.
> Note that RNG constructor is obtained using reflection. Previously was
> done on each invocation. However now that the method is within the
> RandomSourceInternal enum caching the constructor is a natural
> modification since it is always the same.

But please rename the local variable in method "getConstructor()".[1]

> I have not done this in the
> constructor for the RandomSourceInternal enum as:
> - it adds overhead when building all the enums (e.g.
> RandomSourceInternal.values())
> - it may throw lots of different types of exception. Rather than
> catching them all in the constructor for the enum they can now be thrown
> during creation of the RNG instance so the user gets the appropriate
> stack trace.
> The change to create an array using the correct size has performance
> implications (see [2]):
> - For small array sizes the creation is faster
> - For large array sizes built using an int/long the creation is
> marginally slower (but the seed should be better as it uses the SplitMix
> algorithm rather than the self-seeding strategy of the BaseProvider [3])

Where is it done?

> Caching the constructor for use with reflection has improved performance.



> [1] https://github.com/apache/commons-rng/pull/46
> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RNG-75
> [3] This could be tested by creating a new generator that implements the
> self-seeding strategy as its output and running it through the stress
> test applications.


[1] https://www.linguee.com/french-english/translation/con.html

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