Le dim. 9 juin 2019 à 21:52, Karl Heinz Marbaise <khmarba...@gmx.de> a écrit :
> Hi,
> first I don't understand why you really like to 1.0-alpha or somehting
> similar?
> Why not following semantical versioning and say if it's not yet 1.0.0
> than just simply release a 0.X.Y version. This makes clear the version
> is not yet 1.0.0 and not finished and can be changed/break things..

Assuming version is "0.1", what is the (top-level) package name?
AFAIK, all Commons libraries use the convention

1.X -> o.a.c.numbers
2.X -> o.a.c.numbers2

> This can be done also for things on going to 2.0.0... this means it's
> major version change which is not compatible with 1.X.X...

What is the package name in "2.0.0"?

> What will tell me a version 2.0.0-alpha/beta? So this will tell people
> there could be bugs in there? But isn't that always the case...

I'm not sure we agree on the premises, so it's hard to answer.

> so why not naming the version 2.0.0 and if there is a bug just create a
> 2.0.1, 2.0.2 etc. If you have enhancement in funcionality you produce
> 2.1.0 etc. and so on..if you really are not compatible with 2.X than you
> have to name it 3.0.0...(based on that you can use things like jcmpapi,
> revapi etc. which are made for exactly those purposes).

I'm not discussing tools to check compatibility; that's the point here:
not care about compatibility or stability in "X.Y-betaZ", just that there
won't be JAR hell if several are used together.

> So furthermore based on the idea of changing package names? Are you
> really want to do so? That will break each code every time you change
> the version? And what kind of problem are you trying to solve?

That's what we've always done (cf. above), to avoid JAR hell.

> If I'm in the position to check a new version of a library I just simply
> upgrade the version (in my pom file or gradle file) and see if
> everything works (build, tests)..If it's fine I simply continue.. That's
> an easy way of upgrading things (or doing that automatically).
> If I need to change my code (based on package name changes) If I want to
> upgrade to a newer version of a library except for cases where major
> version changes this will make the acceptance harder than it needs to be.

Am I correct that, contrary to what we've always done, you
suggest, instead of the above:

1.X -> o.a.c.numbers
2.X -> o.a.c.numbers (same package name)


> Another thing I see in the discussion about changing groupId/artifactId
> for a change in version? Simply to say that: It is not intended for such
> things. The intended element for this is the version which could be
> expressed by that (see above).

IIUC, that concurs with a "yes" to my previous question.

> Suppose you will change the groupId/artifactId. You will get conflicting
> packages/class names. You could have different dependencies in your
> project (groupId/artifactId) are different but contain the same package
> and clashing classnames.
> So the consequence would be to change the package names as well?

Of course (cf. above and previous messages in this thread).

> The result would be duplicated classes of the same content within
> different packages (or slightly different classes; much worse)?

The price to pay for avoiding JAR hell.
It's up to the user to not depend on different major versions, if
doesn't need to.

> Much
> more complicated and does not really solve the problem cause in the end
> this can not be solved by using things like that (alphas/betas changing
> maven coordinates).

I don't understand.

How would you provide JARs for testing purposes?

> The consumer of a lib has to check it's code if it's working or not via
> Tests and CI system.

With this proposal, the main purpose is *not* to test users' codes,
but to ensure that the library is correctly designed.
If not, with the current convention for Commons release, we'd

1.0 -> o.a.c.numbers

and, when a flaw is discovered, say, the next day, we'd have
to prepare for

2.0 -> o.a.c.numbers2

I prefer the flaw to be discovered in

1.0-beta1 -> o.a.c.numbers.beta1

so that when it's ironed out we can ship

1.0 -> o.a.c.numbers

> Finally one more thing about the whole discussion:
> The Java Module System.
> Changing packages etc. will simply not work cause the module-info file
> contains the packages which are exported or not ...

Of course, the module name would change too.

> apart from that using
> maven-shade-plugin will break modules which means that will break
> anything in such cases. So that would a complete blocker for JDK9+
> (Why would you like to use maven-shade-plugin? You have separated
> modules which can be consumed separately ..?)

The plugin was mentioned just as a means to automate the
renaming of the packages.

> Furthermore If you are running on module path you have no classpath
> anymore which means you have only a single module name which must be
> unique..(a little bit like groupId/artifactId).

If we change it, it's unique.

> Some thought of mine.

I probably did not understand your point(s).


> Kind regards
> Karl Heinz Marbaise
> On 04.06.19 14:42, Gilles Sadowski wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > Does someone see a practical way to automate package names
> > and source files conversions so that each all alpha/beta releases
> > can be used together (e.g. to compare their behaviours).
> >
> > I mean, for release version "1.0-alpha1", the top-level package
> > name "o.a.c.compid" would be turned into "o.a.c.compid.alpha1".
> >
> > This would also solve issues with compatibility checkers (with the
> > added bonus that JAR hell could never happen).
> >
> > Couldn't the "shade" plugin be put to use (so that all artefacts have
> > their top-level package transparently set to "o.a.c.compid.alpha1"
> > and all the tools operate on that)?
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Gilles
> >
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