Time for a weekly meeting.

Thursday UTC +4.


Here’s a preliminary agenda:

- Present progress
— What have you done last week?
— What are your plans for the next week?
— What is blocking your progress?

- Daily stand-up?
There was a positive response from my suggestion to daily stand-ups. But no-one 
participated. Please bring your thoughts to the meeting tomorrow. I would 
favour a 5 minute daily stand-up just so that we all know how work is moving 

- Mailing list vs. Slack vs. Jira
We tried to clear up the different channels and how to use them in a Slack 
discussion. Please bring your thoughts on this:

- Slack - for quick questions and on-line discussion
- Mailing list - where all ideas are discussed with the wider community and 
decisions are made on a project direction
- Jira - used to track issues or progress on a specific topic. Jira tickets 
usually arise directly from bug reports, out of decisions made on mailing list 
discussions, or as an alternative to a discussion on the mailing list*

* In this case the ticket may be referred to the mailing list to seek more input

If it didn’t happen on the mailing list, it didn’t happen. So decisions made on 
slack should be recorded through a post to the mailing list.

See you tomorrow.


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