
Le ven. 17 janv. 2020 à 13:15, Alex Herbert <alex.d.herb...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> The UniformRandomProvider and ContinuousUniformSampler can create
> doubles uniformly in a range [0, 1) and [x, y).
> I would like to create a sampler that can create doubles with random
> mantissa bits and a specified range of exponents. These would not follow
> a standard distribution but would be distributed according to the IEEE
> 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout.
> The sampler would ensure all bits of the mantissa are uniformly sampled
> and the exponent range is uniformly sampled. It could be used for
> example to create random double data in a specified range for testing.

Are there use-cases other than providing inputs for unit tests?

> Following from UniformRandomProvider I propose to remove the sign bit to
> allow a maximum range sampler from [0, Double.MAX_VALUE].

Is there a trade-off to allowing generation of the whole range of "double"s?

> Thus we have
> the API:
> public final class FiniteDoubleSampler {
> /**
>   * Creates a new finite double sampler.
>   *
>   * <p>This will return double values from the entire exponent range of
> a finite
>   * {@code double} including sub-normal numbers. The value will be unsigned.
>   *
>   * @param rng Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers.
>   * @return Sampler.
>   * @since 1.4
>   */
> public static SharedStateContinuousSampler of(UniformRandomProvider rng);
> /**
>   * Creates a new finite double sampler.
>   *
>   * <p>This will return double values from the specified exponent range
> of a finite
>   * {@code double}. This assumes all sub-normal numbers are identified
> with the exponent -1023.
>   * The value will be unsigned.
>   *
>   * @param rng Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers.
>   * @param minExponent Minimum exponent
>   * @param maxExponent Maximum exponent
>   * @see Double#MIN_EXPONENT
>   * @see Double#MAX_EXPONENT
>   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the exponents are not in the
> range -1023 inclusive
>   * to 1023 inclusive; or the min exponent is not {@code <=} max exponent.
>   * @return Sampler.
>   * @since 1.4
>   */
> public static SharedStateContinuousSampler of(UniformRandomProvider rng,
>                                                int minExponent,
>                                                int maxExponent);
> }
> I have written many tests where I wanted full precision random mantissas
> in double values and wanted the doubles to represent all doubles that
> could occur.

How do you ensure it (short of listing them all)?

> Thus randomly sampling from the IEEE 754 representation
> seems to be more generic than for example rng.nextDouble() * constant.

What's the advantage of the former over the latter?

> For example:
> // Random numbers: [0, Double.MAX_VALUE]
> FiniteDoubleSampler.of(rng);
> FiniteDoubleSampler.of(rng, -1023, 1023);
> // Random sub-normal numbers: [0, Double.MIN_NORMAL)
> FiniteDoubleSampler.of(rng, -1023, -1023);
> // Random numbers that are close to overflow: (Double.MAX_VALUE/2,
> Double.MAX_VALUE]
> FiniteDoubleSampler.of(rng, 1023, 1023);
> // Random numbers in the range [1, 32)
> FiniteDoubleSampler.of(rng, 0, 4);

Will the distribution be the same as for "32 * rng.nextDouble()"?


> Thoughts on this?
> Alex

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