This is an attempt at answering something raised be Gilles in a
different thread. I'm afraid it is getting longer than I
intended. Something seems to need to get out. Sorry.

On 2020-07-23, Gilles Sadowski wrote:

> I missed the turn where this project's PMC decided that we must
> be present on GH in order to continue what some of us have been
> doing for more than 10 years.

The project decided to set up github mirrors and with the exposure to
github you get the rest of the package.

I don't remember whether we had an explicit vote about enabling github
mirrors, much less whether it has been a component by component

Putting aside what I think about github as a company one thing that I
have observed with projects migrating to github across the board is it
seems to lower the barrier for new contributors. This results in two
things: (1) you get more contributions and (2) the contributors usually
don't stick around, most contributions are drive-by one-off

Gilles, I believe you have seen an uptick in contributions to the
sevaral maths components even if you don't like they way they have

> There is a trend to make GH central to the development process
> (marginalizing "dev@" and JIRA and colonizing "issues@").

This is troubling me as well. Where "this" is that using github PRs
seems to keep the potential future committers away from the dev list and
they never become part of a component's community.

We do get more contributions anf the quality of the codebases likely
improves because of this, but I feel it makes the community weaker.
Discussions only rarely happen "here" nowadays.

There are a few people like Gary, Rob and a few others who manage to
devote time across almost all components and I adore them for that. And
we need them because most of the components wouldn't stand a chance to
get a release vote through without them. Our component communities have
become too small to sustain themselves and at the same time some of them
see more commits than they used to have in "the good old days" with many
people active on this list.

I haven't got an answer to this.

[Sidenote: In the early 90s I contributed to my first open source
project before CVS had a network protocol. I can not understand why
having to checkout a SCM repository, creating a patch and sending it to
somebody else is a burden that keeps people from contributing. I have
learnt to accept this as a fact. There are lots of facts I cannot
explain. And yes, I know I sound old. I am :-)]


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