At OpenWhisk, they've come up with a more standardized process around
this as they have a lot of components, too.

And the related utilities for enforcing releasability and similar things:

This began as a release candidate validation script to check all the
automatable verifications (like checksums, signatures, RAT checks and
other language equivalents, scanning for binaries in sources, etc.),
and it's grown into an automated system for helping ensure all the
various components of the project are fairly easy to release and
verify. There might be some useful stuff here for Commons, too.

On Mon, 3 Aug 2020 at 13:19, Gary Gregory <> wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> I am missing something. Is this something you will provide for each
> component? Or, is this a command that is generated in the VOTE.txt?
> The latter seems more reasonable since there are so many variables.
> Note that some components have different component names from their
> artifact IDs: pool vs pool2 where some folders are called .../commons-pool
> or .../pool but the AID is different like commons-pool2 (same for Commons
> Lang, DBCP, Configuration, VFS, Collections).
> Maybe put a bunch of env vars at the top that people can edit, at least
> that would remove some of the repetition, unless it's generated.
> Gary
> On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 1:37 PM Rob Tompkins <> wrote:
> > Currently I run the following scripts for signature valitaion:
> >
> >
> >
> > <
> >
> > >
> >
> > and
> >
> >
> >
> > <
> >
> > >
> >
> > For the sake of making everything easier for everyone should we put this
> > in the release-plugin for automated validation?
> >
> > -Rob

Matt Sicker <>

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