The Apache Commons team is proud to announce the release of Apache Commons
IO Version 2.9.0.

Commons IO is a package of Java utility classes like  Classes in
this package are considered to be so standard and of such high reuse as to
justify existence in

Commons IO library contains utility classes, stream implementations, file
file comparators, endian transformation classes, and much more.

Java 8 required.

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o           Add FileSystemProviders class. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Let classes work with
java.nio.file.Files.walk* APIs. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Let classes work with
java.nio.file.Files#newDirectoryStream(Path, DirectoryStream.Filter).
Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o IO-510:  Add and adapt ReadAheadInputStream and
BufferedFileChannelInputStream from Apache Spark. Thanks to Gary Gregory,
Apache Spark, David Mollitor.
o           Add PathUtils.createParentDirectories(Path, FileAttribute...).
Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Add factory methods to CloseShieldInputStream,
CloseShieldReader, CloseShieldOutputStream, CloseShieldWriter, #173. Thanks
to Rob Spoor, Gary Gregory.
o           Add QueueInputStream and QueueOutputStream as simpler
alternatives to PipedInputStream and PipedOutputStream #171. Thanks to Rob
Spoor, Gary Gregory.
o           Add StandardLineSeparator. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Replace magic numbers with constants with the new IOUtils.CR
and LF. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Add FileSystem#supportsDriveLetter(). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Add FileUtils.delete(File). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o IO-700:  Add FileUtils.moveFile(File, File, CopyOption...) #185. Thanks
to Gary Gregory.
o IO-700:  Add FileUtils.isEmptyDirectory(File). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Add FileUtils.lastModified[Unchecked](File) to workaround Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o IO-709:  Add null safe variants of isDirectory and isRegularFile. Thanks
to Boris Unckel, Gary Gregory.
o           Add and use IOExceptionList(String, List). Thanks to Gary
o           Add and use
ObservableInputStream.ObservableInputStream(InputStream, Observer...).
Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Make ObservableInputStream.getObservers() public. Thanks to
Gary Gregory.
o IO-706:  Add TimestampedObserver. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Add and use IOUtils.byteArray(*). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Make public and reuse IOUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY. Thanks to Gary
o           Add IOUtils.copy(URL, File). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Add copy(URL, OutputStream). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o IO-651:  Add DeferredFileOutputStream.toInputStream() #206. Thanks to
jmark109, Gary Gregory.
o           Add CharacterSetFilterReader.CharacterSetFilterReader(Reader,
Integer...). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Add AbstractCharacterFilterReader(Reader, IntPredicate), #227.
        Add CharacterFilterReader(Reader, IntPredicate), #227.
        Add CharacterFilterReaderIntPredicateTest, #227. Thanks to Rob
Spoor, Gary Gregory.
o           Add IOConsumer.noop(). Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Add constructor ThresholdingOutputStream(int, IOConsumer,
IOFunction) and make the class concrete. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Add constructor accepting collection of file alteration
observers #236. Thanks to nstdspace, Gary Gregory.

Fixed Bugs:
o IO-686:  IOUtils.toByteArray(InputStream) Javadoc does not match code.
Thanks to Alan Moffat, Gary Gregory.
o IO-689:  FileUtils: Remove Instant->ZonedDateTime->Instant round-trip.
Thanks to Uwe Schindler.
o           Make FilenameUtils.equals() not throw an exception #154. Thanks
to Michael Ernst, Gary Gregory.
o           Un-deprecate IOUtils.closeQuietly() methods. Thanks to Jan
Peter Stotz, Bernd Eckenfels, Gary Gregory.
o           FileUtils#copyDirectory(File, File, FileFilter,
preserveFileDate) clean up #163. Thanks to Michiel Kalkman.
o           AccumulatorPathVisitor does not track directories properly.
Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o IO-597:  FileUtils.iterateFiles runs out of memory when executed for a
directory with large number of files.
        Re-implement FileUtils' iterateFiles(), iterateFilesAndDirs(),
listFiles(), listFilesAndDirs() to use NIO
        file tree walking instead of IO file listings to avoid memory
consumption issues on large file trees. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Arvind, Rob
o           FileUtils.forceDelete(File) actually forces deletion of
read-only files as it did in version 2.6. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o IO-692:  PathUtils.deleteFile() no longer throws a NoSuchFileException
when applied on a symbolic link pointing
        to a file that doesn't exist. Thanks to Matthew Rooney, Emmanuel
o IO-694:  Behavior change in FileUtils.copyDirectory() file last modified
timestamp preservation. Match Javadoc to code. Thanks to Tan Yee Fan, Gary
o IO-600:  Fix getPrefixLength method for Linux filename #179. Thanks to
Abhyankar Chaubey, Gary Gregory.
o IO-699:  Wrong logging in FileUtils.setLastModified. Thanks to tza, Gary
o IO-686:  IOUtils.toByteArray(InputStream) Javadoc does not match code.
Thanks to Alan Moffat, Sebb, Gary Gregory.
o IO-688:  CopyUtils deprecation message gives the wrong version. Thanks to
Michael Ernst, Gary Gregory.
o IO-701:  Make PathUtils.setReadOnly deal with LinuxDosFileAttributeView
#186. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o IO-702:  FileUtils.forceDelete does not delete invalid links. #187.
Thanks to Boris Unckel, Gary Gregory.
o IO-690:  IOUtils.toByteArray(null) no longer throws a
NullPointerException. Thanks to Chris Heisterkamp, Gary Gregory.
o IO-705:  MarkShieldInputStream#reset should throw
UnsupportedOperationException. Thanks to Hao Zhong, Gary Gregory.
o IO-705:  LockableFileWriter.close() should fail when the lock file cannot
be deleted. Thanks to Hao Zhong, Gary Gregory.
o IO-705:  Fix infinite loops in ObservableInputStream read(*) when an
exception is caught but not re-thrown. Thanks to Hao Zhong, Gary Gregory.
o IO-719:  Fixed error of copying directories between different file
systems #203. Thanks to Andrew Shcheglov, Gary Gregory.
o           Fix Typos in JavaDoc, Comments and Tests #201. Thanks to Felix
o IO-718:  FileUtils.checksumCRC32 and FileUtils.checksum are not thread
safe. Thanks to Robert Cooper, Gary Gregory.
o IO-720:  Fix error about usage of DirectBuffer in JRE 16/17 #205. Thanks
to XenoAmess.
o           Prevent infinite loop with AbstractCharacterFilterReader if EOF
is filtered out #226. Thanks to Rob Spoor, Gary Gregory.
o IO-429:  Check for long streams in IOUtils.toByteArray #175. Thanks to
Rob Spoor, Ivan Leskin.

o           Update junit-jupiter from 5.6.2 to 5.7.0 #153. Thanks to
o           Update mockito-core from 3.5.9 to 3.10.0, #152, #155, #157,
#166, #167, #169, #182. Thanks to Dependabot.
o           Bump mockito-inline from 3.7.0 to 3.10.0 #188, #207, #230.
Thanks to Dependabot.
o           Update commons.jacoco.version 0.8.5 to 0.8.7, fixes Java 15
builds and up. Thanks to Gary Gregory.
o           Update spotbugs from 4.1.2 to 4.2.2, 4.2.3, #158, #164, #165,
#180, #199, #213, #224. Thanks to Dependabot.
o           Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from 4.0.4 to 4.2.3, #161, #172,
#223. Thanks to Dependabot.
o           Update org.junit-pioneer:junit-pioneer 0.9.0 -> 1.4,1, #159,
#162, #170, #189, #191, #210, #229. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot.
o           Update actions/checkout from v2.3.2 to v2.3.4, #156, #168.
Thanks to Dependabot.
o           Bump actions/setup-java from v1.4.2 to v2 #160. Thanks to
Dependabot, Gary Gregory.
o           Update maven-surefire-plugin from 2.22.2 to 3.0.0-M5. Thanks to
Gary Gregory.
o           Minor improvements, #176, 177, #190. Thanks to Arturo Bernal.
o           Update commons.japicmp.version 0.14.4 -> 0.15.3. Thanks to Gary
o           Tiny performance improvement in
FileUtils#moveDirectoryToDirectory() #174. Thanks to Michiel Kalkman.
o           Bump checkstyle from 8.38 to 8.42 #689, #209, #225. Thanks to
o           Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 #198. Thanks
to Dependabot.
o           Bump jimfs from 1.1 to 1.2 #183. Thanks to Dependabot.
o           Improve performance of IOUtils.contentEquals(InputStream,
InputStream). Thanks to XenoAmess, Gary Gregory.
o           Improve performance of IOUtils.contentEquals(Reader, Reader).
Thanks to XenoAmess, Gary Gregory.
o           Bump actions/cache from v2 to v2.1.5 #202, #228. Thanks to
o           Bump junit-bom from 5.7.0 to 5.7.2 #200, #232. Thanks to
o           Update from Apache Commons Lang 3.11 to 3.12.0. Thanks to Gary
o           Minor improvements #233. Thanks to Arturo Bernal.
o           Simplify Assertions in tests #234. Thanks to Arturo Bernal.

Compatibility with 2.6:
Binary compatible: Yes.
Source compatible: Yes.
Semantic compatible: Yes.

Commons IO 2.9.0 requires Java 8.
Commons IO 2.8.0 requires Java 8.
Commons IO 2.7 requires Java 8.
Commons IO 2.6 requires Java 7.
Commons IO 2.5 requires Java 6.
Commons IO 2.4 requires Java 6.
Commons IO 2.3 requires Java 6.
Commons IO 2.2 requires Java 5.
Commons IO 1.4 requires Java 1.3.

Historical list of changes:

For complete information on Apache Commons IO, including instructions on
how to submit bug reports,
patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the Apache Apache Commons IO

Download page:

Have fun!
-Apache Commons Team

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