Responding below to some of my own questions following commit
in branch

Le mar. 24 mai 2022 à 01:54, Gilles Sadowski <> a écrit :
> Hello.
> Le mer. 18 mai 2022 à 16:34, Avijit Basak <> a écrit :
> >
> > Hi All
> >
> >         Please find my comments below.
> >
> > Comments related to new model:
> >
> > 1) Hierarchy of GeneticOperator: In the proposed model the genetic
> > operators are designed hierarchically implementing a common interface and
> > operators are accepted as a list.
> > This enables interchangeability of operators. Library users would be able
> > to use crossover and mutation operators interchangeably.
> > However, in genetic algorithms or other population based search algorithms
> > the operators are used for broadly two purposes, exploration and
> > exploitation.
> > In GA crossover is used for exploitation and mutation is used for
> > exploration. Keeping them in a common hierarchy and allowing
> > interchangeable operation violates that purpose.
> I'm not sure that the semantics of "exploitation" and "exploration"
> should drive the API design.
> Saying it differently: We don't need to know how various operators
> will be used in order to implement them; hence IMO, there is no
> need to discriminate at the API level.

The "core" GA algorithm (see class "GeneticAlgorithmFactory") is
oblivious to whether a genetic operator "is-a" crossover or mutation.

> >
> > 2) Chromosome Fitness: In the new design the chromosome fitness is
> > maintained as a hashmap where the key is the chromosome itself.
> > Are we going to retain the fitness value in chromosome too otherwise
> > implementation of Comparable won't be possible?
> Sorry, I don't follow.

Implementing "Comparable" is not necessary.

> > Assuming the chromosome representation would be used to calculate hashcode,
> > it would be a very time consuming process depending on the length of
> > chromosome.
> Is this assumption correct?
> For what purpose do we need to compute a custom hash code?

A custom "hashCode" method is not necessary.
The only consequence seems that 2 different instances of a genotype that is
logically the same (genotype-wise) could both be added to a population while
the same (in-memory) instance would only appear once in the hash map.

> > E.g. in binary chromosomes we have provision to allow chromosome length
> > upto (2^31 - 1).
> That's a lot. ;-)
> Do you have use cases where such long representations can be handled?

For now, I've use "BitSet" as the internal representation (but this could
be changed if necessary, because it is not part of the public API).

> > Along with that the chromosome implements Comparable
> > interface.
> > Equality by Comparable interface would be decided by fitness
> Sure.
> > however
> > equality by equals() method would depend on representation.
> Do we need a custom "equals"?

We don't.

> > As chromosomes with different representations may also have the same
> > fitness, this would produce a conflict.
> Please provide an example.
> >
> > 3) The model does not consider anything related to adaptive approaches.
> > Would it be a separate factory?
> What I've proposed is an alternative "skeleton" for the API.  Of course,
> more classes will provide specific functionality.
> An adaptive operator "is-a" specialized genetic operator (perhaps the
> notion of "Adaptive" will be defined through an interface?).

We don't need anything that complex (IIUC).
See interface "ApplicationRate" and its implementations in package "rate".

> >
> > 4) Comparison of chromosomes: In the current model two chromosomes are
> > compared after decoding the genotype to phenotype using the internal
> > decoder.
> > How can we address this in the new model?
> As mentioned above: Do we really need to compare representations?

Within the library, it does not seem necessary.

> >
> > 5) Chromosome String representation: Currently we use the toString() method
> > to print the chromosome's phenotype. In the new model we would need to
> > avoid this approach as decoders won't be available to chromosomes.
> This seems like a minor issue (or perhaps no issue at all?) unless I'm
> missing something.

The GA does not need to print the phenotype.
The decoder is user-defined, hence he can obviously apply it whenever
he needs a printable version of the chromosomes.

> >
> > 6) However in the new model the generic type parameters and java.util
> > packages are used in a more organized way. We can adopt the same in the
> > existing model.
> I don't understand what you are proposing.

I've used two generic parameters (one for genotype, one for phenotype).
The code does not use any "@SuppressWarning" annotation.

> >
> > >If we need to document software (e.g. the "examples") produced
> > >by a "Commons" component, it is preferable that we use and refer
> > >to "Log4j2".
> > >[The logger API is another matter since it does not impact how the
> > >software is used (from a user's POV).]
> > -- I shall make the changes.

Logging statements are marginally useful in such a small piece of code.
Tracking evolution can be implemented at the application level.
See interface "GenerationCallback".

> Thanks.
> >
> > > [...]
> > >Doing manually will be too tedious.
> > >If you are reasonably confident that you've ported everything
> > >valuable, I guess that we'll rely on coverage tools...
> > >The current log statements could also be construed as (totally)
> > >unnecessary, as they merely document statements which I would
> > >consider part of an "application", not the GA "library".
> > >I believe that we do not agree yet on where to draw the line (my
> > >proposal in MATH-1618 is related to that difference of opinion).
> > >
> > -- Probably I am missing something here. These log statements are more
> > useful for library users. If we remove all log statements how users would
> > be able to debug any issue.
> > What if there are issues in any part of library code or may be anything
> > fails due to some application related customization.
> > It may not be necessarily a library bug.
> I'm not clear about what is the intended purpose of logging.

See previous response.

> But I'd rather defer this discussion, and first focus on the actual GA
> functionality being implemented.
> >
> > >> >> >Likewise, the "PopulationStatisticsLogger" is not general enough to
> > >> >> >be worth being part of the library.
> > >> >> -- I would love to keep this simple implementation of convergence
> > >> >> listener. This can provide a very basic overview on the nature of
> > >> >> convergence.
> > >> >
> > >> >As a user, you'll be able to provide the feature to your application
> > >> >with less than 10 lines of code (by registering a "listener").
> > >> >Everyone else might want a slightly different output (contents and/or
> > >> >format) than what this class generates.
> > >> -- Users would always have the freedom to register their own listener.
> > >> PopulationStatisticsLogger provides only a very basic option to track the
> > >> population statistics during the convergence process.
> > >> This is never a very generic solution to meet the needs of all users.
> > >
> > >AFAICT, the "PopulationStatisticsLogger" class satisfies *your* needs
> > >(as a user), but as developers we should only include functionality that
> > >is broadly useful.  I think I provided arguments that it is not the case of
> > >that class.
> > -- So do you want this class to be removed?
> Short answer would be "yes".  But the rationale is that we should
> defer all functionality that just seems "nice-to-have" until the core
> API is stabilized.

Displaying statistics should be done at the application level.
See "GenerationLogger" in class "MathFunctionOptimizer2" (adapted
from yours).

> >
> > >Great!
> > >
> > >> >> [...]
> > >
> > >Maybe I'm still missing something, but IMHO the distinction between
> > >adaptive vs not should not impact code at that level.
> > -- Actually I wanted to keep a provision where users can mix both
> > approaches. Maybe keep crossover probability as constant but mutation as
> > adaptive.
> AFAICT, this would follow from my proposal (when "AdaptiveMutation"
> and "AdaptiveCrossover" operators are implemented).

Such operators are not necessary (see previous comment, about

> >
> > [...]
> > >> >(3)
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >It seems to be a "mixed-bag" kind of class (that is being frowned
> > >> >upon nowadays).
> > >> >Its comment refers to "random" but some methods are not using
> > >> >any randomization.  Most methods are only used in unit tests.
> > >> >
> > >> -- Actually most methods are taken from the legacy GA application. In the
> > >> legacy library representation there was no separate concept for the
> > decoder
> > >> and all representation utility methods were kept in the corresponding
> > >> Chromosome classes. ChromosomeRepresentationUtils is created as a
> > >> placeholder for those utility methods.
> > >
> > >I'm not sure I follow what you mean.
> > >If these methods are only needed by the (legacy?) examples, they
> > >should be moved to the "ga-examples" module (where they can be
> > >removed later on without regards to BC).
> > -- These were adopted from the legacy model and should be useful in this
> > new model too.
> Anything not _surely_ useful (i.e. actually used by the new library)
> should be left out.  If necessary, code can be re-added later.

Representation(s) should be internal, together with the operators
that manipulate them.

> >
> > > > > [...]
> > >
> > >OK.  [Is there a new PR?]
> > -- I shall create one.
> We still need to agree on my proposal...
> Would you try to follow up on that basis, i.e. add a minimal set of GA
> operators, in order to show that some of the "examples" can be run?

I've added the "MathFunctionOptimizer2" in the "Standalone" example
application.  Please check that it produces the expected output.
[I had to slightly change the function being optimized, and your decoding
function. Why are you assuming that "Coordinates" cannot be negative?]

> > >
> > >> >(5)
> > >> >Why does a "Chromosome" need an "identifier"?
> > >> >Method "getId()" is only used in "PopulationStatisticalSummaryImpl"
> > >> >that is an internal class, where it seems that the chromosome itself
> > >> >(rather than its "id") could serve as the map's key.
> > >> -- How can we generate a map's key from the chromosome itself? Please
> > >> suggest.
> > >
> > >A class to be used as a key only needs to implement "equals" and
> > >"hashCode".
> > -- The current chromosome class implements Comparable interface which uses
> > chromosome fitness for comparison. Use of both Comparable and equals()
> > might introduce inconsistencies.

In my proposal, neither is implemented.

> An example?
> > >
> > >> >
> > >> >(6)
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >Field "fitness" is not "final", yet it could be: a "FitnessFunction"
> > >> >object (used in "evaluate() to compute that field) is passed to the
> > >> >constructor.  Is there a reason for the "lazy" evaluation?
> > >> >Dropping it would make the instance immutable (and "evaluate()"
> > >> >should be renamed to "getFitness()").
> > >> >
> > >> >Why should the "FitnessFunction" be stored in every chromosome?
> > >> >
> > >> -- I have modified the fitness as final and initialized the same in the
> > >> constructor.
> > >
> > >Better, but did you check my proposal in MATH-1618, where
> > >Chromosome and fitness are decoupled, and their relationship
> > >is held within a "Population" instance?
> > --Mentioned earlier.
> I still don't know whether you agree that my proposal makes it
> simpler to express a GA.

Please have a look at the commit mentioned above, and
 * for each design issue, post a new discussion thread,
 * for each bug, file a JIRA report.

> > >
> > >> [...]
> > >
> > >>
> > >> >(8)
> > >> >@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
> > >> >
> > >> >By default, I'm a bit suspicious about having to resort to these
> > >> annotations,
> > >> >especially for the kind of algorithms we are trying to implement.
> > >> >What do you think of the alternative approach outlined in the ZIP file
> > >> >attached in MATH-1618:
> > >> >
> > >> >?
> > >> -- This annotation is required because we have kept an option to use
> > >> different types of genotypes including primitive.
> > >> Because of that our base interfaces only declares phenotype not genotype.
> > >> This introduced a kind of hierarchy in all operators and chromosome
> > classes
> > >> which required us to use the mentioned annotation.
> > >
> > >I may again be missing something.
> > >Could you please explain the case that makes these annotations
> > >necessary.
> > -- This has been only used to avoid the warning in the place of typecasting.
> > However, I can work to minimize this following your new model.
> "Minimize"?

No unsafe cast seems necessary.

> > >
> > >> >
> > >> >(9)
> > >> >Naming of factory methods should be harmonized to match the convention
> > >> >adopted in components like [RNG] and [Numbers].
> > >> >E.g. instead of "newChromosome(...)", please use "of(...)" or
> > "from(...)"
> > >> >for "value object", and "create(...)" otherwise.
> > >> >
> > >> -- I have renamed the same for Chromosome classes.
> > >> What about the nextGeneration() method of ListPopulation class. Renaming
> > >> this to create() or from() won't convey the purpose of it.
> > >
> > >I agree, and that's why the new "Population" class (in MATH-1618) does
> > >not provide a factory method (see also the "GeneticAlgorithmFactory"
> > >class).
> > -- We can avoid the same in the current model if we agree to use a default
> > implementation of population and remove the Population interface following
> > your new model.
> So, do we adopt that "new model"?
> Or do you still have objections?

As the one who investigates GA behaviours, please list the concrete
problems with my proposal.

> > >
> > >> >(10)
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >Constructor is called with an argument that is a previously instantiated
> > >> >"representation".  If the latter is mutable, the caller will be able to
> > >> modify
> > >> >the underlying data structure of the newly created chromosome.  [The
> > >> >doc assumes immutability of the representation but this cannot be
> > >> >enforced, and mixed ownership can entail subtle bugs.]
> > >> -- I think this applies to both representation as well as generic
> > parameter
> > >> type T. But I don't see any other option but to rely on the user.
> > >
> > >The Javadoc (at line 84) is misleading in its mention of "immutable".
> > >
> > >> If you have any suggestions kindly share.
> > >
> > >I may not understand all the implications, but I'd suggest that the
> > >"representation" be instantiated within the control of the library (e.g.
> > >through a "builder"/"factory").
> > -- Currently we have the ChromosomeRepresentationUtils for the same. Its
> > methods are designed to generate the representations.
> My suggestion is that this design can be improved (a.o. according to my
> above suggestion).

In my proposal, representations would be not be "public", and each
would be declared and used within a dedicated package.
See package "gene/binary".

> > >
> > >> >
> > >> >(11)
> > >> >Do we agree that, in a GA, the most time-consuming task is the fitness
> > >> >computation?  Hence IMO, it should be the focus of the multithreading
> > >> >tools (i.e. "ExecutorService"), probably keeping the other parts (namely
> > >> >the genetic operators) within a simple sequential loop (as in class
> > >> >"GeneticAlgorithmFactory" in MATH-1618).
> > >> -- Current implementation uses separate threads for applying crossover
> > and
> > >> mutation operators for each pair of selected chromosomes.
> > >> I think this ensures better utilization of multi-core processors compared
> > >> to use of multi-threading only for the fitness calculation.
> > >
> > >I have the opposite intuition: Parallel application of the genetic
> > >operators would only provide marginal gains wrt the fitness
> > >computation.
> > >In any case, I think that it will be fairly easy to modify my proposed
> > >"OffspringGenerator" class to use an "ExecutorService" (if benchmarks
> > >show that a substantial gain could indeed be achieved).
> > >
> > >> -- Some codes are checked in. But there is a conflict in the pull
> > request.
> > >> So I shall create a new one and delete the old branch itself.
> > >
> > >IMHO, we could make more substantial progress if you could
> > >first point to issues with my proposal in MATH-1618.
> > --Mentioned earlier.
> Well, I don't know where we stand...

Hoping we can make significant progress so as to include the new
GA functionality in the upcoming release of "Commons Math"...


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