Hi Oliver,

The following are a couple of (hopefully) low hanging fruit that will smooth a couple of rough edges. These aren't the biggest issues - just something to get started with.

a) It would be very helpful if there was an option to enable sending of
   notifications for your own comments.

b) It would be helpful if more (actually all) of the issue detail was
   included in the notification emails.


On 18/11/2022 00:02, Oliver Chang wrote:
Thanks Mark.

Please let us know how we can help make this fuzzing experience better for you. We're also happy to jump on a call to walk through your concerns and reach a good outcome.

Best regards,

On Thu, 17 Nov 2022 at 06:56, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org <mailto:ma...@apache.org>> wrote:

    I haven't forgotten about this. I am currently working through the open
    issues. I want to complete first that so feedback isn't skewed by a
    single project.


    On 11/11/2022 14:45, Roman Wagner wrote:
     > Hi Mark,
     > I think the best way forward is to collaborate and have a short
     > loop.
     > Did you mean build failures by “Invalid due to broken test”? If
    yes, I am
     > not sure what we can do about the broken tests since those are
     > executed and tested by check build scripts locally and in a CI/CD
     > Build and Coverage failures are sometimes supposed to happen if
    there are
     > changes in the target repository itself or if there are
     > issues in OSS-Fuzz. We will investigate those issues in more
    detail. Maybe
     > some filter in the apache mailing list is helpful for you in the
     > term, Fuzzing and Coverage build issues have a "build failure"
    string in
     > the subject. That would enable you to focus on the reports only.
     > In order to make sure that we get high-quality tests and results,
     > maintainer feedback from apache will be very valuable and
    welcome. You have
     > the best domain knowledge about your code base and can give
    valuable hints
     > on which APIs to tackle best. There was already some valuable
    feedback for
     > Apache Tomcat in
     > Let us extend  this collaboration. We can discuss and agree on
    the attack
     > vectors in apache-commons components.
     > Best regards
     > Roman
     > On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 10:29 AM Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org
    <mailto:ma...@apache.org>> wrote:
     >> Oliver,
     >> My requirements regarding configuration are:
     >> - secur...@commons.apache.org
    <mailto:secur...@commons.apache.org> MUST be notified of all security
     >>     vulnerability reports for all Apache Commons components
     >> - a mechanism MUST be provided for the
    secur...@commons.apache.org <mailto:secur...@commons.apache.org>
     >>     Google user to view all historical reports that were not
     >>     notified to that address
     >> - if any further Apache Commons components get added to oss-fuzz
     >>     then secur...@commons.apache.org
    <mailto:secur...@commons.apache.org> MUST receive notification of any
     >>     issues as they are found
     >> - more generally, if *any* Apache Software Foundation project is
     >>     to oss-fuzz then the notifications for that project MUST
    include the
     >>     relevant security team for that project
     >> If you can achieve the above with the current structure then great.
     >> Separately, there is a concern regarding the false positive
    rate. With
     >> the oss-fuzz integration provided by Code Intelligence we have
    seen the
     >> following with Apache Tomcat in a little under 3 months.
     >> Total "vulnerability" reports: 39
     >> Invalid due to broken test: 31%
     >> False positive:             52%
     >> Bugs:                       18%
     >> Valid security issues:       0%
     >> To add some commentary:
     >> - the bugs were minor / extreme edge cases users were unlikely
    to hit
     >> - false positives were all due to the tests being based on invalid
     >>     assumptions regarding whether input was expected to be
    trusted or not
     >> If those statistics were repeated across multiple Apache Commons
     >> components, the volume of invalid reports would be more than the
     >> volunteers of the Apache Commons security team could handle.
     >> I have no objection to being overwhelmed with valid security
     >> vulnerability reports. If that ever happened, we would find a way to
     >> deal with it.
     >> I do have very strong objections to being overwhelmed with invalid
     >> security vulnerability reports. If we see the same false
    positive rate
     >> repeated across the Apache Commons components that has been observed
     >> with Apache Tomcat then I don't see that Apache Commons would
    have any
     >> choice but to request the removal of all Apache Commons
    Components from
     >> oss-fuzz.
     >> Mark
     >> On 10/11/2022 04:19, Oliver Chang wrote:
     >>> Hi Mark,
     >>> In addition to the reasons Roman listed, the current structure also
     >>> allows us to allocate more compute resources to all of these Apache
     >>> packages, rather than all of them sharing the CPUs allocated for a
     >>> single OSS-Fuzz "project".
     >>> We can definitely ensure that secur...@commons.apache.org
     >>> <mailto:secur...@commons.apache.org
    <mailto:secur...@commons.apache.org>> is included on all relevant Apache
     >>> projects going forward, and other than that I believe there's
    not much
     >>> other difference in terms of the end result (i.e. bug reports)
    that end
     >>> up getting filed.
     >>> Does that sound OK to you? Or did you have other concerns
    around the
     >>> current directory structure?
     >>> Best regards,
     >>> --
     >>> Oliver
     >>> On Wed, 9 Nov 2022 at 21:31, Roman Wagner
    <wag...@code-intelligence.com <mailto:wag...@code-intelligence.com>
     >>> <mailto:wag...@code-intelligence.com
    <mailto:wag...@code-intelligence.com>>> wrote:
     >>>      Hi Mark,
     >>>      I have added @Oliver Chang <mailto:och...@google.com
    <mailto:och...@google.com>> from the
     >>>      Google OSS-Fuzz to the thread.
     >>>      I had a short discussion with Oliver. There could be different
     >>>      issues in OSS-Fuzz by design If all apache-commons
    components will
     >>>      move under apache-commons directory:
     >>>        * it is not scalable and will slow down both fuzzing and
     >>>          (e.g. automated bisections, fix verification)
     >>>        * changing the structure this way will invalidate all
     >>>          open testcases, and cause new ones to be filed, which will
     >>>          result in a fair bit of spam.
     >>>      My proposal would be that "secur...@commons.apache.org
     >>>      <mailto:secur...@commons.apache.org
    <mailto:secur...@commons.apache.org>>" is added to all individual
     >>>      apache-commons components.
     >>>      I am not sure how it is possible to ensure that future
     >>>      of apache-commons components will automatically have
     >>>      "secur...@commons.apache.org
     >>>      as primary contact. OSS-Fuzz could have some additional
     >>>      documentation for that. @Oliver Chang
    <mailto:och...@google.com <mailto:och...@google.com>> do
     >>>      you have any ideas here?
     >>>      Best regards
     >>>      Roman
     >>>      On Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 5:56 PM Mark Thomas
    <ma...@apache.org <mailto:ma...@apache.org>
     >>>      <mailto:ma...@apache.org <mailto:ma...@apache.org>>> wrote:
     >>>          Thanks for the update.
     >>>          I'll wait for that PR to be resolved before taking any
     >>>          action.
     >>>          Mark
     >>>          On 08/11/2022 16:42, Roman Wagner wrote:
     >>>           > Hi Mark,
     >>>           >
     >>>           > there is a PR open in oss-fuzz
     >>> https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/pull/8933
     >>>          <https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/pull/8933
     >>>           > .
     >>>           >
     >>>           > Best regards
     >>>           > Roman
     >>>           >
     >>>           > On Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 4:15 PM Gary Gregory
     >>>          <garydgreg...@gmail.com
    <mailto:garydgreg...@gmail.com> <mailto:garydgreg...@gmail.com
    <mailto:garydgreg...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
     >>>           >
     >>>           >> Sounds good.
     >>>           >>
     >>>           >> Gary
     >>>           >>
     >>>           >> On Tue, Nov 8, 2022, 10:07 Mark Thomas
    <ma...@apache.org <mailto:ma...@apache.org>
     >>>          <mailto:ma...@apache.org <mailto:ma...@apache.org>>>
     >>>           >>
     >>>           >>> There has been no response to this email from
    anyone from
     >> Code
     >>>           >>> Intelligence.
     >>>           >>>
     >>>           >>> Unless there are objections from the Apache Commons
     >>>          Community my next
     >>>           >>> step will be to submit a PR to have the following
     >>>          removed from
     >>>           >>> oss-fuzz:
     >>>           >>>
     >>>           >>> apache-commons-bcel
     >>>           >>> apache-commons-beanutils
     >>>           >>> apache-commons-cli
     >>>           >>> apache-commons-codec
     >>>           >>> apache-commons-collections
     >>>           >>> apache-commons-configuration
     >>>           >>> apache-commons-io
     >>>           >>> apache-commons-jxpath
     >>>           >>> apache-commons-lang
     >>>           >>> apache-commons-logging
     >>>           >>>
     >>>           >>> Code Intelligence (or anyone else) will remain
    free to add
     >>>          them back in
     >>>           >>> the right place - under apache-commons should
    they wish to
     >>>          do so.
     >>>           >>>
     >>>           >>> Mark
     >>>           >>>
     >>>           >>>
     >>>           >>>
     >>>           >>> On 19/10/2022 10:56, Mark Thomas wrote:
     >>>           >>>> Hi,
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>> You are receiving this email as you are currently
     >>>          configured as the
     >>>           >>>> recipients for oss-fuzz reports for Apache
    Commons JXPath.
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>> As per the discussion on the Apache Commons dev
     >>>          please make
     >>>           >>> the
     >>>           >>>> following configuration changes to the oss-fuzz
     >>>          integrations with
     >>>           >>>> immediate effect:
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>> - Move all oss-fuzz integrations added for *ALL*
     >>>          Commons
     >>>           >>>>     components to the oss-fuzz module for
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>
<https://github.com/google/oss-fuzz/tree/master/projects/apache-commons> <
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>>     There should *NOT* be separate oss-fuzz
    modules for
     >>>          each component
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>> - Add the Google account for
    "secur...@commons.apache.org <mailto:secur...@commons.apache.org>
     >>>          <mailto:secur...@commons.apache.org
    <mailto:secur...@commons.apache.org>>" to
     >>>           >>>>     - the notifications for these issues
     >>>           >>>>     - the ACL to enable this account to access
    the details
     >>>          for each
     >>>           >>> report
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>> Please notify dev@commons.apache.org
     >>>          <mailto:dev@commons.apache.org
    <mailto:dev@commons.apache.org>> and secur...@commons.apache.org
     >>>          <mailto:secur...@commons.apache.org
     >>>           >>>> when these changes have been completed.
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>> Thanks,
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>> Mark
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>> [1]
     >>>          <
     >> https://lists.apache.org/thread/53vwy3g8w3f8nydz7jvxm8snrqx7msln
     >>>           >>>>
     >>>           >>>>
>>  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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     >>>          <mailto:dev-unsubscr...@commons.apache.org
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     >>> dev-h...@commons.apache.org
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     >>>           >>>
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     >>>          <mailto:dev-h...@commons.apache.org
     >>>      --
     >>>      Roman Wagner
     >>>      Application Security Engineer
     >>>      Code Intelligence
     >>>      Rheinwerkallee 6
     >>>      53227 Bonn
     >>>      Amtsgericht Bonn
     >>>      HRB 23408
     >>>      Geschäftsführer: Sergej Dechand, Dr. Khaled Yakdan

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