Hi Mostafa,

Thanks for your interest in Apache Commons.

The GSoC project for Statistics is part of the ongoing project to refactor
the large Commons Math (CM) component into smaller modular components (see

I have CC'd the commons developer's list on this e-mail. If you subscribe
you will be able to track all the discussion on GSoC by searching the
subject for the GSoC tag.

The suggested project for Statistics 54 ([6]) is to develop the various
univariate statistics in CM for use in Java 8 streams. You can see the
statistics in the latest javadoc for CM ([7]); the relevant packages are
under 'descriptive'. A start point would be to look at the storeless
statistics such as mean, variance, moments, as well as the summary
statistics classes which group together more than one statistic. The
project would be to develop an API that complements the SummaryStatistics
in Java (see [8]) for double, long and int. In general a collector for a
stream would have to be able to accept both a single value and be combined
with another collector to create an aggregate, e.g:


This is to allow parallel stream support.

Currently the JDK only offers a summary containing min, max, count, average
and sum. To extend this would be development of some aggregator classes for
individual statistics and some type of generic aggregator class that can be
constructed to summarise statistics of interest, e.g. mean and standard
deviation; the statistics could be user-configurable.

Please take a look at the current code in CM and then ask any questions,
either on the dev mailing list or on the Jira ticket. If you wish to
register for a Jira account to allow you to track the GSoC issue then see
here [9, 10]. You send your preferred username, alternate username and
display name to priv...@commons.apache.org and we shall create an account
for you.



[1] https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-rng/
[2] https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-geometry/
[3] https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-statistics/
[4] https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-numbers/
[5] https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/
[6] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STATISTICS-54
[9] https://infra.apache.org/jira-guidelines.html
[10] https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa

On Wed, 15 Feb 2023 at 15:21, Mostafa Magdi <mostafamagdi999...@gmail.com>

> Hello Aherbert,
> I hope this email finds you well.
> My name is Mostafa Magdy, a 4th year senior computer engineer at Cairo
> University faculty of engineering from Egypt.
> I worked before as a java developer when i was in the third year in
> college and really i love to code with java.
> I have recently seen Apache's project list for 2023 and I found
> Summary Statistics API for Java 8 streams especially very interesting to
> me, hence I decided to apply for it and it would be very helpful if you
> give me some tips about what I can do next.
> Thank you in advance.

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