Working on validating this now.


> On Jul 23, 2023, at 3:57 PM, Gary Gregory <> wrote:
> We have fixed quite a few bugs and added some significant enhancements
> since Apache Commons Lang 3.12.0 was released, so I would like to
> release Apache Commons Lang 3.13.0.
> Apache Commons Lang 3.13.0 RC1 is available for review here:
> (svn revision 63138)
> The Git tag commons-lang-3.13.0-RC1 commit for this RC is
> bcc10b359318397a4d12dbaef22b101725bc6323 which you can browse here:
> You may checkout this tag using:
>    git clone
> --branch commons-lang-3.13.0-RC1 commons-lang-3.13.0-RC1
> Maven artifacts are here:
> These are the artifacts and their hashes:
> #Release SHA-512s
> #Sun Jul 23 15:44:56 EDT 2023
> Apache\ Commons\
> Lang-3.13.0.spdx.rdf.xml=b01ad1806ba0cc89a17b0972f6e46a5fef1dfb90fcb419e2802b0c18ac1c2d7543c3de469804d86600c0defee506504663c294c7bcfb1361ea3be1a70d955a4c
> commons-lang3-3.13.0-bin.tar.gz=2815fe7db3528c0e049564fccd6fb4f3729e3b786e4b2ad199ad3d3fe951f37ac0a51bba65e1b2645626e9ea9c6fdff319146b51cff094363bfce76bca97b847
> commons-lang3-3.13.0-bom.json=3b79f37a63eeb9c48820e08b343d7a4f1c8a1d3adeecc3f18354ed5c3bc684064becd8f392d4f9afee4d66af7000403bf4287ac311ceeaeb45f7d47a19d698ce
> commons-lang3-3.13.0-bom.xml=592e4f47a28eea1df0cac5851cd623a9b020e5950674eaba6de5d15ac986038a25b24600510d83c787d0e5f40e1bd1eb14817dae5e4f3255cde20fb6a4608b28
> commons-lang3-3.13.0-javadoc.jar=630661fe66da908e5eb2d54aa139e2e0c9772f28b6742973bfd321c17304b2270dec55d33fff9a6ba15f1018d9c4f77236b3b4cfb6aa95890b1e60d299c82565
> commons-lang3-3.13.0-sources.jar=4e237775fdead7ea9507ffaf0e11da3b23b358e874aa9c0ec3e11bb1b2f1f1c70f7a1d07b98601afe51d7ed66d6fee324aa07f3eb3bffb886dbf60b8d11eb237
> commons-lang3-3.13.0-src.tar.gz=6fca0ce86aea84458021360bac3f6775135a1a5c1826194921e2d4ead7c12f6ac560e7c3fc240112f862aaee24be8754c37dd867f45e9449cde4a388018d8691
> commons-lang3-3.13.0-test-sources.jar=2e204dcd9e3052343be8708408285ced82c9e84a8779554d8a0c88fddb43642b5f511d838d926d59dd9d0757c6c27ab04ecd85bd9c269775097c7abec9482a2b
> commons-lang3-3.13.0-tests.jar=fc5396b97a6b3256f095232e0bce0441fa57142ce95c54a109cb154a07ba07aff5856ed2b52f8e1ac428e60f9bdda4a31010101accb71a1355632a2bea0f79cb
> I have tested this with
> mvn -V -Prelease -Ptest-deploy -P jacoco -P japicmp clean package site deploy
> using:
> Apache Maven 3.9.3 (21122926829f1ead511c958d89bd2f672198ae9f)
> Maven home: /usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.9.3/libexec
> Java version: 1.8.0_372, vendor: Homebrew, runtime:
> /usr/local/Cellar/openjdk@8/1.8.0+372/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
> OS name: "mac os x", version: "13.4.1", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
> Darwin **** 22.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Thu Jun  8 22:22:22
> PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.3~7/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
> Details of changes since 3.12.0 are in the release notes:
> Site:
>    (note some *relative* links are broken and the 3.13.0 directories
> are not yet created - these will be OK once the site is deployed.)
> JApiCmp Report (compared to 3.12.0):
> RAT Report:
> Please review the release candidate and vote.
> This vote will close no sooner than 72 hours from now.
>  [ ] +1 Release these artifacts
>  [ ] +0 OK, but...
>  [ ] -0 OK, but really should fix...
>  [ ] -1 I oppose this release because...
> Thank you,
> Gary Gregory,
> Release Manager (using key 86fdc7e2a11262cb)
> For following is intended as a helper and refresher for reviewers.
> Validating a release candidate
> ==============================
> These guidelines are NOT complete.
> Requirements: Git, Java, Maven.
> You can validate a release from a release candidate (RC) tag as follows.
> 1a) Clone and checkout the RC tag
> git clone
> --branch commons-lang-3.13.0-RC1 commons-lang-3.13.0-RC1
> cd commons-lang-3.13.0-RC1
> 1b) Download and unpack the source archive from:
> 2) Check Apache licenses
> This step is not required if the site includes a RAT report page which
> you then must check.
> mvn apache-rat:check
> 3) Check binary compatibility
> Older components still use Apache Clirr:
> This step is not required if the site includes a Clirr report page
> which you then must check.
> mvn clirr:check
> Newer components use JApiCmp with the japicmp Maven Profile:
> This step is not required if the site includes a JApiCmp report page
> which you then must check.
> mvn install -DskipTests -P japicmp japicmp:cmp
> 4) Build the package
> mvn -V clean package
> You can record the Maven and Java version produced by -V in your VOTE reply.
> To gather OS information from a command line:
> Windows: ver
> Linux: uname -a
> 5) Build the site for a single module project
> Note: Some plugins require the components to be installed instead of packaged.
> mvn site
> Check the site reports in:
> - Windows: target\site\index.html
> - Linux: target/site/index.html
> -the end-
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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