On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 9:31 AM Arnout Engelen <enge...@apache.org> wrote:

> Examples of what I referred to as arbitrary code execution would be
> unbounded deserialization of untrusted data (via techniques like those
> described in the motivation for
> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/core/serialization-filtering1.html
> ) or (directly or indirectly) passing untrusted input to functions such as
> "Runtime.exec()". I guess we can debate the word 'arbitrary', but it sounds
> like you're saying *none* of the Apache Commons libraries should allow
> triggering those?

Passing untrusted input to Runtime.exec() or equivalent is definitely
something we should fix (if we do that; I don't know that we do). I
put that in the same category as bugs in native code commons itself
ships. OTOH if we were to shell out to something like ImageMagick or
ffmpeg and a malicious input file could trigger a security issue in
the external tool, I wouldn't consider that our issue to filter or
fix. In a worst case scenario, it would require us to replace a buggy
and unmaintained dependency with something better.

Object serialization I hope we don't use, but if we do it might be
worth a look. This falls under the category of validating and not
trusting any input you receive. The problem here is that a lot of
developers don't do that when object serialization is used. They just
assume the jDK does that for them and it very much does not.

What I was thinking of for arbitrary code execution from pure Java
code would be buffer overflow or rowhammer type attacks. That
shouldn't be possible in Java, and when it is, it is almost by
definition a JDK bug. There've been a few of these over the years.

There've also been some zero days caused by flaws in the JDK libraries
leading to arbitrary code execution. Again, these are JDK bugs.

Mostly I want to avoid taking responsibility for things we don't own
and can't fix: the JDK and native libraries from other projects.
There's way too much noise in security reporting from random IT folk
who've run some security scanner without really understanding what
it's saying.

Elliotte Rusty Harold

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