To make it easier to follow and find later, let's move the discussion
started in [1], [2] here.

The request made in the Jira [1] and implemented in the PR [2]  to send
beginRequest and endRequest messages to drivers seems reasonable to me, but
just implementing unilaterally by default is probably not the best thing to

Summarizing discussion so far (Gary, Bernd, meedbak, pls fix any errors):

0) The spec is vague and drivers seem to do different kinds of things or
make different kinds of assumptions based on these messages.  There are
some references in
[2] .

1) There is potential to reduce the activate/passivate overhead when we can
safely rely on these messages to maintain connection attributes.

2) It's not obvious when we should be send the messages.  Borrow and return
are kind of obvious, but what about when a connection is idle but under
maintenance?  Might be better to put the calls in
PoolableConnectionFactory's activate/passivate.

3) This raises the adjacent concern that it might be good to allow PCF
activate/passivate to be pluggable.

4) The spec has been around since 2017, but behaviors do not appear to have
been standardized.  Making sure that what we do is safe for all
implementations may be tricky.

Based on above, the following options seem reasonable and not too difficult
to me.

a) do nothing
b) add a configuration property that makes dbcp send the messages on
activate/passivate or borrow/return (need to decide which)
c) add another configuration property that tells PCF to let the driver
manage connection properties, so when used with b, fewer calls might be
needed to manage connection properties.

Options b) and c) would have to consider potential conflicts with current
properties cacheState, enableAutoCommitOnReturn and rollbackOnReturn.



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