The code in the implementation of the EnhancedDoubleHasher is based on the
wikipedia article

The code that appears in the article is:

struct key; /// Opaque
/// Use other data types when needed. (Must be unsigned for guaranteed 
extern unsigned int h1(struct key const *), h2(struct key const *);

/// Calculate k hash values from two underlying hash functions
/// h1() and h2() using enhanced double hashing.  On return,
///     hashes[i] = h1(x) + i*h2(x) + (i*i*i - i)/6.
/// Takes advantage of automatic wrapping (modular reduction)
/// of unsigned types in C.
void ext_dbl_hash(struct key const *x, unsigned int hashes[], unsigned int n)
    unsigned int a = h1(x), b = h2(x), i;

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        hashes[i] = a;
        a += b; // Add quadratic difference to get cubic
        b += i; // Add linear difference to get quadratic
                // i++ adds constant difference to get linear

And it is based on code from the paper "Bloom Filters in Probabilistic 
Verification" by Peter C.
Dillinger and Panagiotis Manolios 

But the code that appears on that paper is:

x, y := a(δ) MOD m, b(δ) MOD m
f[0] := x
for i := 1 .. k-1
    x := (x + y) MOD m
    y := (y + i) MOD m
    f[i] := x

which does the assignments to x, y (a, b in the wikipedia article) in a 
different order.

The same algorithm appears the thesis "Adaptive Approximate State Storage"

algorithm " Enhanced DoubleHashing"

input x : "the element being added or queried"
input m : "number of bits in bit vector"
input k : "number of indices to compute"
output g[0 .. k - 1] : "array of indices"
uses h1, h2 : "hash functions"

    a := h1(x)
    b := h2(x)
    g[0] := a
    for i := 1 .. k - 1
        a := (a + b) MOD m
        b := (b + i) MOD m
        g[i] := a

It's easy to see that the computation the enhanced double hash computes

    hash[i] = h1(x) + i * h2(x) + (i^3 - i) / 6

if we use a=h1(x) and b=h2(x), generates the sequence:

    a, a + b, a + 2 * b + 1, a + 3 * b + 4, a + 4 * b + 10, ...

And both your implementation and the wikipedia article generates

    a, a + b, a + 2 * b, a + 3 * b + 1, a + 4 * b + 4, ...

So the last term in the sum lags one step behind.

The solution, I think, is as simple as swapping the assignments of index and 
inc in your implementation.

I suppose the impact of this is nil, but I'm not an expert for judging that.


Juan Manuel Gimeno

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