[CC to code-awards which as this would be of interest to other mentors as well - not all are on d...@community]

On 25/03/2010 04:29, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

for the MyFaces project we created this JIRA issue:
(yes, labeled with "gsoc" and "mentor")

I assigned it to myself to indicate I am the mentor. We
have a student for that. I briefly mentioned that in the
actual issue. More: I added a link to a wiki page, which
contains some (better) outline of the idea.

I think my question is do we need to add more info here?
E.g. about the student?

you cannot pre-select your students. All students must have an equal opportunity to come up with a proposal for your task.

Students make their applications through the Google GSoC webapp, where they are expected to provide a full project description and details of the proposed solution. The mentors and admins will rate all applications based on the quality of the proposal when compared to other students.

As it says on the GSoC page [1] "In order to apply we ask that you create a list of deliverables, quantifiable results for the Apache community, a detailed description / design document, an approach, an approximate schedule and something of a background text. We also need you to let us know what other commitments you have for the period of GSoC, for example, do you have any exams or a part time job? In other words - sell yourselves, as if this was an actual job."

We add significant weight to students who have already interacted with the community.

If your proposed student is already working out a solution with your community they can record this in the JIRA ticket and then point to it in the GSoC applications.

It is important that this kind of activity is at least pointed to in the GSoC webapp so that admins know it exists.

If not, I think we are all set for this ticket, right ?

In summary, the ticket should not be overly detailed with respect to the mentors/communities input. The student should be doing the majority of the work.

The student proposal needs to be detailed. This can be in the issue tracker or the GSoC application.

As an admin I would prefer to see project detail in the issue tracker since that is where the comunity have easy access to it and can provide clearer feedback. GSoC specific stuff, such as exam commitments, should be in the GSoC application.

Note, this means that multiple students may be contributing to the ideas in a proposed solution. To some this seems like an opportunity to "steal" other peoples ideas. For me that's just the way it goes in an open source community - nobody owns an idea. Unfortunately, the competition for GSoC cash distorts this somewhat.


[1] http://community.apache.org/gsoc.html

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