Hi Marcel,

The code awards list that Jaliya forwarded your mail to is an internal ASF list for managing our engagement with Google Summer of Code.

The public list for discussion of our mentoring programme is dev@community.apache.org, I've copied this mail to that list).

Our mentoring programme is not fully operational at this time, we intend to launch it once the Google Summer of Code is underway (a few months yet).

However, you can find out more information about the programme and how we imagine it will work at http://community.apache.org/mentoringprogramme.html

You'll see you've taken the first step already with this mail.

Take a look at the documentation and ask any further questions on the dev@community.apache.org mailing list (subscribe frist with a mail to dev-subscr...@community.apache.org

We're about to get very busy with student selection for GSoC, once the big rush is out of the way we'll come back to your case. In the meantime your best action is to get on the Axis mailing lists and discuss your project proposal with the team there.


On 08/04/2010 16:57, Jaliya Ekanayake wrote:
Hi Marcel,

I forwarding your request to the code-awards mailing list.


From: Heusinger, Marcel [mailto:marcel.heusin...@uni-due.de]
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 4:17 AM
To: jekan...@cs.indiana.edu
Subject: Apache mentoring programme

Dear Jaliya Ekanayake,

As I don't know to whom I should send my request, I picked you from the
Axis2 member list, hoping that you could help me or be so kind to forward my
message to the appropriate Axis2 member. Thank you in advance!


Marcel Heusinger

Dear Sir or Madame,

some days ago I read about the Apache Mentoring Programme (
http://community.apache.org/mentoringprogramme.html) and I thought it would
be a chance to contribute to one of the Apache projects. As I worked with
Axis2 during the last few month, I wondered if one of the contributors would
declare her-/himself ready to comply with mentoring me. As you can see below
I already got some experiences in software development, so I feel confident
to achieve the project idea outlined at the e-mail's end. Although mentoring
causes some extra work, I think the proposed project is straightforward so
that I could familiarize myself with the Axis2 project and make valuable
contributions after the program in the form of patches and so on. Below you
find some more about myself and my proposed Mentoring Programme idea. Thank
you for your attention.

A brief CV


My name is Marcel Heusinger, 28 years old, finished my studies of
information systems some month ago, and I live in Essen, Germany.

Currently, I am working in my fourth year at the University of
Duisburg-Essen (most of the time as part-time student assistant; the last
five month as research assistant), where I worked on projects with Java and
PHP. The source code of two of my projects can be found at


Both of these projects integrated the Web service functionalities of the
open-source documentation and publication server miless (
http://duepublico.uni-duisburg-essen.de/) into the e-learning management
systems Moodle and Blackboard respectively. At the moment I am working on a
jBPM-based workflow application to support the library's processes.

During all these projects I gained solid understanding of Web service
standards like Xml Schemas, WSDL, and SOAP and I worked with tools like
Eclipse, Ant, and Maven. Furthermore, I already had a quick flip through the
Axis2 source code. So  the mentoring related extra work would narrow down to
Axis2 implementation questions and how to integration my contribution into
the total project structure.

My project idea


Main idea: Generate JavaDoc documentation for client-side code/Web service
proxy that was generated with Axis2. It would be much easier to work with
generated proxies if its method would be documented.

How it should be accomplished: As it is possible to annotate Xml schema
files with an annotation element which itself could contain Dublin core
elements. As these Dublin Core elements could be refined without
jeopardizing applications that do not understand the refinement as long as
they are able to understand the RDF-based refinement mechanism. This
mechanism could be used to define a Dublin Core Application Profile (
http://dublincore.org/documents/profile-guidelines/ and

http://dublincore.org/documents/singapore-framework/) that could be used to
create a mapping between the refined elements and JavaDoc tags.

This application profile and the mapping could be used to add JavaDoc tags
to the proxy code that is generated by Axis2, if the Xml schema uses the
annotation element in conjunction with refined Dublin Core elements.

As I am not that deep into Axis2 and its roadmap, and you think that idea
would be useless or have any other plans, I would be happy to participate at
the project anyway. Thank you!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.=20

Looking forward to hear from you.

Kind regards,

Marcel Heusinger

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