No discussion at the ASF is complete until we have had it twice.

A month or so ago, there was a lengthy thread about
on members@. It rather dribbled out.

Recently, someone re-stirred that pot, and Nick Burch recommended
taking it over here rather than fill all the members@ mailboxes

A slightly biased summary:

1) Some of us observe that many people are posting questions about
Apache projects on Some of them are getting good
answers, some less so. Some TLPs have taken note of this and made some
effort to provide support there. Some haven't.

2) Some of us find the format of and related sites
to be an interesting and efficient way to facility a community of
support for some kinds of issues. Other people don't see the

3) The family uses a particular CC license that
would seem to pose problems for anyone grabbing 'too much' material
from there and incorporating it into an Apache activity. Note that
this question poses a risk independent of anything else described

Possible reactions discussed on members@:

1) Nothing. Let TLPs do what they want in interacting with
Perhaps, as a side-order, get some guidance from legal about how much
copy-and-paste is too much copy-and-paste from so or other CC-whatever

2) Actively encourage engagement with the SEI sites to push the Apache
brand and improve our image by providing high-quality assistance to
users in any reasonable forum.

3) Host our own variation on the theme, presumably using OSQA (an open
source clone/tribute band) of SEI.

4) Talk to the SEI management about their choice of license.

5) Propose an ASF site for SEI at their area51 site.

6) ?

I'm personally not invested in any of this, but this thread is
intended to at least be a lightning rod to spare members@ an
interminable debate about all these topics.

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