Great idea.

But why not having a Calendar for all projects. One might be able to
filter for a specific project or event type, be it "release", "dinner"
or whatever. Other events would become a better visibility, like
Apache CON or a retreat


On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Grant Ingersoll <> wrote:
> I'm curious, do any projects have shared calendars?  For instance, the 
> thought occurred to me that I might put up a Google Calendar for Lucene or 
> Mahout that is public read-only, but committers have write control on it.  On 
> the calendar, we could put things like potential release dates, reminders for 
> PMC actions (such as review potential committers or do board reports).  
> Community members could submit "patches" for community related events such as 
> conferences, meetups, hackathons, etc.
> -Grant


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