> > Personally I feel that GSoC students should earn commit access just > like anyone else.
I have a lot of sympathy for Greg's position. Treating 'committer' as a single monolithic category drives people away. A typical problem case is someone who sets out to undertake a big, complex, contribution. Without at least svn commit access to a branch, the overhead can get so onerous to drive people away. yes, the mentor can be a human mirror and push stuff into a branch. That's a lot of extra work. I've seen it happen. Yes, various tricks with git mitigate. On the other hand, having the code in svn in a branch allows the PMC to supervise the contribution much more easily. When I first turned up at Apache, I deferred work on the main project I had in mind for months and pecked away at small bugs to earn committer status. Not everyone has that much patience, and not everyone, in my opinion, should have to. I'd be happy to see the foundation endorse the idea that a PMC can choose to grant commit karma to branches, in a trial basis, to people who have submitted a suitable cla. That would not given them nexus karma, web-site-editing karma, or dogma karma.