Thanks Dave --you are correct on both fronts.

This is also why both the TLP list and Incubator projects/URLs are mentioned.


[From the mobile; kindly excuse spelling/spacing/auto-correct anomalies]

----- Reply message -----
From: "Dave Fisher" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Ulrich Stärk" <>, "Sally Khudairi" <>, 
"" <>
Subject: ASF accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2013
Date: Tue, Apr 9, 2013 7:52 PM

On Apr 9, 2013, at 7:57 AM, Sally Khudairi wrote:

> Ack. Thanks, Uli.
> Any other comments? Do you still want to go live at 12Noon-ish ET?
> If I get the final signoff soon, I might be able to get it out at 11.30am.
> Cheers,
> Sally
> [From the mobile; kindly excuse spelling/spacing/auto-correct anomalies]
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Ulrich Stärk" <>
> To: "Sally Khudairi" <>
> Cc: "Sally Khudairi" <>, "" 
> <>, "" <>
> Subject: ASF accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 
> 2013
> Date: Tue, Apr 9, 2013 10:42 AM
> Looks fine to me except for two small things.
> Comments inline.
> Uli
> On 09.04.2013 16:14, Sally Khudairi wrote:
>> Hi everyone --I've drafted up an announcement that I can send out by 12 Noon 
>> ET today, if not sooner.
>> Please review the draft below and forward any corrections/additions no later 
>> than 11.15AM ET.
>> Thanks for this,
>> Sally
>> ...also, we need to update :^)
> On it. Thanks for the reminder.
>> = = = 
>> The Apache Software Foundation Community Development Project Welcomes 
>> Student Proposals for Google
>> Summer of Code 2013
>> Hundreds of students mentored in “The Apache Way” of Open Source community 
>> leadership
>> Forest Hill, MD –9 April 2013– The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)'s 
>> Community Development (ComDev)
>> project today announced its acceptance into the Google Summer of Code (GsoC) 
>> as a mentoring
>> organization for the eighth consecutive year.
>> The ComDev team helps newcomers learn about the ASF's projects, governance, 
>> and activities, and
>> guides them in becoming part of the meritocratic, all-volunteer Apache 
>> community.
>> Established in 2005, the Google Summer of Code offers student developers 
>> from around the word
>> stipends to write code for various Open Source software projects over a 
>> three month period. 
>> The ASF has actively participated in GSoC since the program's inception, 
>> mentoring 30-45 students
>> each year, and providing exposure to real-world software and community 
>> development “The Apache Way”.
>> Countless GSoC students mentored by the Apache community continue to be 
>> long-term code committers on
>> a variety of Apache projects. Some active program participants have even 
>> been elected as members of
>> the ASF.
>> This year, dozens of Apache projects have committed to mentoring GSoC 
>> students. They include
>> Accumulo, Airavata, Axiom, Bloodhound, CloudStack, CouchDB, Crunch, Giraph, 
>> Gora, Hama, Hive, Isis,
>> Jena, Lenya, Lucene, Mahout, ManifoldCF, Mesos, Nutch, ODE, OpenMeetings, 
>> OpenOffice, Pig, Rat, SIS,
>> Sling, Solr, Stanbol, Tika, VXQuery, Wookie, XalanJ, and XercesJ. 
> Make clear that this list isn't exclusive. Maybe "They include but are not 
> limited to..."?

Not that it should matter for this, but some of these projects are Incubator 

>> The ComDev team invite GSoC students to propose application ideas directly 
>> with all Apache
>> project(s) of interest no later than Sunday, 21 April 2013. The ASF's more 
>> than 100 Top-Level
>> Projects and nearly three dozen initiatives in the Apache Incubator are 
>> listed at
>> and respectively.
> "The ComDev team recommends GSoC students to discuss application ideas 
> directly with all Apache
> project(s) of interest before the official start of the application phase on 
> Monday, 22 April 2013."
>> For more information on Apache Community Development and to get involved 
>> with Apache projects for
>> GSoC, visit
>> Details on the Google Summer of Code is available at
>> About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
>> Established in 1999, the all-volunteer Foundation oversees nearly one 
>> hundred fifty leading Open
>> Source projects, including Apache HTTP Server — the world's most popular Web 
>> server software.
>> Through the ASF's meritocratic process known as "The Apache Way", more than 
>> 400 individual Members
>> and 3,500 Committers successfully collaborate to develop freely available 
>> enterprise-grade software,
>> benefiting millions of users worldwide: thousands of software solutions are 
>> distributed under the
>> Apache License; and the community actively participates in ASF mailing 
>> lists, mentoring initiatives,
>> and ApacheCon, the Foundation's official user conference, trainings, and 
>> expo. The ASF is a US
>> 501(3)(c) not-for-profit charity, funded by individual donations and 
>> corporate sponsors including
>> AMD, Basis Technology, Citrix, Cloudera, Facebook, Go Daddy, Google, HP, 
>> Hortonworks, Huawei, IBM,
>> InMotion Hosting, Matt Mullenweg, Microsoft, PSW Group, SpringSource/VMware, 
>> WANdisco, and Yahoo!.
>> For more information, visit or follow @TheASF on 
>> Twitter.
>> "Apache", "Accumulo", "Apache Accumulo", "Airavata", "Apache Airavata", 
>> "Axiom", "Apache Axiom",
>> "Bloodhound", "Apache Bloodhound", "CloudStack", "Apache CloudStack", 
>> "CouchDB", "Apache CouchDB",
>> "Crunch", "Apache Crunch", "Giraph", "Apache Giraph", "Gora", "Apache Gora", 
>> "Hama", "Apache Hama",
>> "Hive", "Apache Hive", "Isis", "Apache Isis", "Jena", "Apache Jena", 
>> "Lenya", "Apache Lenya",
>> "Lucene", "Apache Lucene", "Mahout", "Apache Mahout", "ManifoldCF", "Apache 
>> ManifoldCF", "Mesos",
>> "Apache Mesos", "Nutch", "Apache Nutch", "ODE", "Apache ODE", 
>> "OpenMeetings", "Apache OpenMeetings",
>> "OpenOffice", "Apache OpenOffice", "Pig", "Apache Pig", "Rat", "Apache Rat", 
>> "SIS", "Apache SIS",
>> "Sling", "Apache Sling", "Solr", "Apache Solr", "Stanbol", "Apache Stanbol", 
>> "Tika", "Apache Tika",
>> "VXQuery", "Apache VXQuery",  "Wookie", "Apache Wookie", "XalanJ", "Apache 
>> XalanJ", "XercesJ",
>> "Apache XercesJ",  and "ApacheCon" are registered trademarks or trademarks 
>> of the Apache Software
>> Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and 
>> trademarks are the
>> property of their respective owners.
>> # # #
>> Contact:
>> Sally Khudairi
>> Vice President
>> The Apache Software Foundation
>> +1 617 921 8656
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    *From:* Sally Khudairi <>
>>    *To:* Ulrich Stärk <>; "" 
>> <>
>>    *Cc:* "" <>
>>    *Sent:* Tuesday, 9 April 2013, 8:42
>>    *Subject:* Re: ASF accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer 
>> of Code 2013
>>    Perfect. Thank you, Uli!
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>        *From:* Ulrich Stärk <>
>>        *To:*
>>        *Cc:* Sally Khudairi <>; "" 
>> <>
>>        *Sent:* Tuesday, 9 April 2013, 8:36
>>        *Subject:* Re: ASF accepted as a mentoring organization for Google 
>> Summer of Code 2013
>>        Here's your list:
>>        Accumulo, Airavata, Axiom, Bloodhound, CloudStack, Lenya, OpenOffice, 
>> ManifoldCF, CouchDB,
>>        Crunch,
>>        Giraph, Gora, Hama, Hive, Isis, Jena, Lucene, Mahout, Mesos, Nutch, 
>> Ode, Openmeetings, Pig, Rat,
>>        SIS, Sling, Solr, Stanbol, Tika, VXQuery, Wookie, XalanJ, XercesJ
>>        It isn't exclusive, these are simply the projects that have submitted 
>> project ideas. Every
>>        student
>>        is free to approach any project and propose an idea (which is also 
>> highly encouraged).
>>        Cheers,
>>        Uli
>>        On 09.04.2013 14:20, Ulrich Stärk wrote:
>>> Any project can be involved. The ones listed at [4] have explicitly 
>>> submitted ideas for
>>        students but
>>> that doesn't mean students can't approach projects not mentioned there. 
>>> I'll compile a
>>        list from [4]
>>> for you.
>>> Uli
>>> On 09.04.2013 14:16, Sally Khudairi wrote:
>>>> One more thing: do we have a list of Apache projects that will be involved 
>>>> here?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sally
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>   *From:* Ulrich Stärk < <>>
>>>>   *To:* " <>" <
>>        <>>; Sally Khudairi < 
>> <>>
>>>>   *Cc:* " <>"
>>        < <>>
>>>>   *Sent:* Tuesday, 9 April 2013, 8:11
>>>>   *Subject:* ASF accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of 
>>>> Code 2013
>>>>   Recycling last years email on the topic. All dates and links updated. It 
>>>> would be cool
>>        if we could
>>>>   get this out asap. Is there anything else you need?
>>>>   Uli
>>>>   -------- Original Message --------
>>>>   Subject: Apache Software Foundation accepted as a mentoring organization 
>>>> for Google
>>        Summer of
>>>>   Code 2012
>>>>   Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2012 23:21:40 +0100
>>>>   From: Ulrich Stärk < <>
>>        < <>>>
>>>>   To: <> <
>>        <>>
>>>>   CC: <>
>>        < <>>
>>>>   Hey Sally & Co.,
>>>>   this year we won't forget to provide you with some infos on our GSoC 
>>>> endeavours.
>>        Yesterday, we have
>>>>   been accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2013 
>>>> [1],[2]. This
>>        means that
>>>>   over the summer, our committers will mentor students that are sponsored 
>>>> by Google and
>>        will be
>>>>   working on our projects. The program helps us not only to get some code 
>>>> written but
>>        also to
>>>>   introduce students into open source development and hopefully recruit 
>>>> some new
>>        long-term committers.
>>>>   More information on the program is available at [3]. Students are now 
>>>> encouraged to
>>        discuss ideas
>>>>   with the respective projects and begin drafting proposals. An extensive 
>>>> list of
>>        already existing
>>>>   project ideas is available at [4]. The actual application phase is from 
>>>> April 24 until
>>        May 3, coding
>>>>   will take place from June 17 to September 23. See [5] for the detailed 
>>>> timeline.
>>>>   Can you please run any press release past us (
>>        <>
>>>>   < <>>) 
>>>> before publishing?
>>>>   Thanks,
>>>>   Uli
>>>>   [1]
>>>>   [2]
>>>>   [3]
>>>>   [4]
>>>>   [5]

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