On Apr 17, 2013, at 8:57 AM, Ulrich Stärk <u...@spielviel.de> wrote:

>> +    <section id="content" class="row">
>> +      <div class="span9">
>> +        <h3 class="muted">The Apache Software Foundation</h3>
>> +      </div>
>> +      <div class="span3" 
>> class="pull-right"><gcse:search></gcse:search></div>
> You meant class="span3 pull-right". Also, can you please make it 
> HTML5-compliant [1]? In addition,
> it looks a bit odd in the layout, you could try tweaking it. Bootstrap has a 
> special class for
> search boxes, we should use it.
> Uli
> [1] https://developers.google.com/custom-search/docs/element#html5

Hi Uli,

I committed the changes, please verify if these address your concerns. Also, 
the best bootstrap search class I can find was the .navbar-search. I like 
adding the search bar to the menu it is looking nice and pretty. But that is 
making the bar wrap into two lines. So I left it in the current position.


P.S. Sorry for not getting to this sooner, I was traveling to and from Boston 
both on wrong days. Back home and glad Boston is safe now. 

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