Hi Bertrand,

This is a great idea + 1.

Infact a useful exchange of ideas of will be on release versioning and audit of 
stability. To be precise, when should we call a software 1.0, the PMC can 
decide itself, but can it solicit feedback from other projects which went this 
route and have them spend an hour or two providing feedback? Other than apache 
con, there are scant technical venues where projects share knowledge, 
experience and some tricks of the trade. I am not saying a new mailing list 
will address any of these, but could booster some discussions. 


On May 7, 2013, at 9:19 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> We don't seem to have a place for cross-cutting technical discussions
> at the ASF - language and system issues, standards implementations,
> etc.
> To fix this, I suggest creating a public t...@apache.org list, owned
> by comdev, with the following rules:
> -Technical discussions on cross-cutting topics that are directly
> related to Apache projects
> -Each new thread MUST have one or several [markers] in the subject
> line to identify the topics. For example, [java], [osgi], [linux] etc.
> I volunteer to get the list started, as an experiment.
> -Bertrand

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