
I'm an Apache Tapestry committer and PMC member and very active specially in the mailing lists.

I'm at a period in which I have no job, no clients and I haven't started looking for a job again. So I have the schedule for that. But this free time cannot be free, because I, as everyone else, have bills to pay. So I thought it would be a perfect time to run an fixed-funding IndieGogo campaign (Kickastart only allows USA citizens) to have me working exclusively on the Tapestry codebase and documentation for a month.

If there are people actually wanting to fund that, I just didn't want to lose the opportunity before I get some other work and I don't have all that time to work on Tapestry itself again. Of course, I will still contribute to the project in the mailing list as usual and also some code, but all that on my actual free (i.e time I'm not doing something that would earn me money or help me find paid work).

From the Foundation point of view, is this allowed? From a community is it something to be avoided? I'd take a lot of care to make sure nobody would consider this potential campaign to be blackmail, just one way to say thank you and to help Tapestry, which has no backing company, progress faster.

Thanks in advance.


Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Tapestry, Java and Hibernate consultant and developer

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