On Feb 10, 2014, at 10:54 AM, jan i wrote:

> On 10 February 2014 18:10, Rich Bowen <rbo...@rcbowen.com> wrote:
>> https://docs.google.com/a/rcbowen.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=
>> 0ApZdtCkHHRUMdEx3YXRjTWd5Q1YtR2NRaFhwZ0xvNGc&usp=sharing#gid=2
>> These are the proposed ApacheCon tracks. Each track can hold SIX talks,
>> and some tracks have more than one day in them. So this should give us a
>> better idea of where we need to cull talks, and how many. This will give us
>> a clear way to go to PMCs and say "here's 15 talks, pick 12".
> I am not quite sure how that would work. as an example it seems that AOO is
> grouped together with other projects (which is fine by me), so one track
> have more PMC groups. My quess is if you tell a PMC "here's 15 talks, pick
> 12", they will quite naturally pick talks about their own project. For
> tracks with more than 1 PMC (project) involved, I think the first question
> should be "Please consider if you can group or remove some of the talks
> about your project".

Talks related to a PMC need not all be in the same track, but they should just 
be concurrent.


> rgds
> jan i.
>> I should have a report in the next few days of the ratings on the talks,
>> so we need to bring a close to that part of the process. If you're going to
>> review, please try to get it done by end of day Tuesday. If you think
>> you're going to need more time than that, please say so, but I can't
>> promise anything if we want to meet deadlines.
>> Also, note that there's a new mailing list - cfp-review@community.apache.
>> org  If you agreed to review talks, I've put you on that list. I've done
>> this because many of you aren't on dev@community.apache.org and I needed
>> a way to get in touch with you. Please forgive the breach of netiquette,
>> and also the cross-posting, for those of you who are getting this twice. It
>> was important that I have a way to get the message out to everyone.
>> --
>> Rich Bowen - rbo...@rcbowen.com - @rbowen
>> http://apachecon.com/ - @apachecon

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